Saturday, October 18, 2008


I seriously need to take a shower before the Evangenitals show(s) tonight. I've been getting DOWN with the real deal house-cleaning all day today, inhaling chemicals, doing laundry, blasting scalding water at weird shower mold on the suction cups of the crocodile mat that inhabits my bathtub, scrubbing floors and sinks and toilets, sorting mail and receipts... I even cleaned out my purse, organized business cards, stacked up the change. And there's still so much to do. Ridiculous how things can get into such disarray when I'm busy.

There's been a lot going on lately. I've been taking lots of phone cam pics that I need to post which will help to tell the stories of Claremont fire pits, Keith's fashion sense, our recording session with students from the SAE Institute in Hollywood, and other Genital adventures. I swear, I'll get it together and get 'em up here soon so you can see Keith's golden slacks illuminated by FIRE! Huzzah.

As for now, it's time to hop in my incredible clean shower. Hop, hop, hop...

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