Thursday, April 02, 2009

Quiet before the Storm

There's been a hell of a lot going on in my world lately. But somehow it doesn't really FEEL like it. I've discovered a strange equation... if the Evangenitals aren't doing a lot of shows, then I don't feel like anything is HAPPENING. :-)

The FACTS are quite contrary. In many ways, I've never been busier. I'm directing an opera, performing in Cash'd Out, in rehearsal or recording or band practice or traveling every single day of the week. But it's not all the Evangenitals, so much of it doesn't seem real. Weird, huh?

The Evangenitals have just recorded our best music thus far, and it's being mixed and mastered as we speak. We're stepping into the studio once again on Sunday for ONE MORE SONG that's going to be used in a video for The 1 Second Film that's going to make even the hardest hearts feel all squishy inside. We're working on a new website that is looking GOOD and a new logo that makes me feel truly understood as a human and an artist. It's freaking great!

Alas, much of that work is all BEHIND THE SCENES, though, and I'm dying to get it all our THERE into the WORLD to SHARE it with all of YOU!!!!



It's like Guns and Roses said.... just a little patience. :-)

- Juli

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