Friday, July 03, 2009

Goodness gracious, I'm GRATEFUL!

i woke up this morning all a'glow with excitement to hit the road for a cash'd out show tonight. this is a good thing, cuz there is always a 50/50 chance, it seems, that i can view a situation either as a great opportunity or a total pain in the ass. :-)

TODAY i'm feeling good. perhaps this is because it's day 3 of my birthday challenge. perhaps it's because i just had a full day by myself in my own house to hang out in my underwear and do yoga in the living room. perhaps it's because i had a fantastically intimate and wonderful talk with my best friend miss lisa dee last night. perhaps it's a lot of things. perhaps it's because my heart is bursting with a love i can't control, and don't really want to. perhaps, perhaps.

the main awesomeness is that i am making a living (meager though it may be) making ART in one form or another and TODAY i get to crawl into the cash'd out van and drive to San Luis Obispo to PERFORM. and then I get to do it all again tomorrow!

upon my return, i've got quixote rehearsals, evangenitals rehearsals, and now I have the honor and privilege of playing the upright bass in odious ari's awesome ensemble! it's a wonderful life.

my 34th year on earth is right around the corner and it feels like my blooms are blossoming. i feel good. i feel strong. my heart is getting some massive exercise in the ways of FEELING. i am that i am, and it's awesome.

life is a gift, and i feel that in my bones. i say thank you thank you thank you and yes, yes, and always yes.

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