This was a very good day indeed on the Road to Oprah tour. :-)
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Happy Holidays!
Hope you are having a wonderful week full of cheer with your near and your dear.
I don't know how, but my improv team "Not From Chicago" won AGAIN last week, which means we will be defending our defending our hard-won Student Cagematch Champion Belt at the iO WEST's Andy Dick Theater in Hollywood TOMORROW NIGHT (Thursday) at 10pm.
As an added bonus, my dearest Patrick Ian Moore will be joining the team this week -- the first time we shall ever perform Improv together! -- as many of my teammates are home for the Holidays.
And to make this night even MORE momentous... IF we win this next match, we get the opportunity to compete on the MAINSTAGE (which is a big deal in Improv-land!).
So... there are many reasons that we'd love you to come, the primary one being that the whole thing is more or
less a popularity contest, so it is imperative that we have folks come out to laugh, cheer, and VOTE FOR US.
We are raw, we are rough, and we are willing to make arse's of ourselves in public. Huzzah!
Hope you can make it!
Much love & laughter
Juli (of the Genitals)
Come see "Not From Chicago" in
The iO WEST Student Cagematch
Thursday December 27th
Andy Dick Theater (entrance on Cosmo)
(there's valet parking and everything! cheap bar!)
iO WEST is located at:
6366 Hollywood Blvd
Los Angeles, CA
Corner of Hollywood & Cosmo
Hope you are having a wonderful week full of cheer with your near and your dear.
I don't know how, but my improv team "Not From Chicago" won AGAIN last week, which means we will be defending our defending our hard-won Student Cagematch Champion Belt at the iO WEST's Andy Dick Theater in Hollywood TOMORROW NIGHT (Thursday) at 10pm.
As an added bonus, my dearest Patrick Ian Moore will be joining the team this week -- the first time we shall ever perform Improv together! -- as many of my teammates are home for the Holidays.
And to make this night even MORE momentous... IF we win this next match, we get the opportunity to compete on the MAINSTAGE (which is a big deal in Improv-land!).
So... there are many reasons that we'd love you to come, the primary one being that the whole thing is more or
less a popularity contest, so it is imperative that we have folks come out to laugh, cheer, and VOTE FOR US.
We are raw, we are rough, and we are willing to make arse's of ourselves in public. Huzzah!
Hope you can make it!
Much love & laughter
Juli (of the Genitals)
Come see "Not From Chicago" in
The iO WEST Student Cagematch
Thursday December 27th
Andy Dick Theater (entrance on Cosmo)
(there's valet parking and everything! cheap bar!)
iO WEST is located at:
6366 Hollywood Blvd
Los Angeles, CA
Corner of Hollywood & Cosmo
Friday, December 21, 2007
My boy Patrick's art is being featured at one of downtown Los Angeles' best artist collectives, CATALYST - artist collective, this month!
They are having an awesome Dub/Electronica Art Party tonight from 10pm - 2am, and it's only $10 ($15 if you come after 11:30pm).
Patrick has 7 pieces hanging in the show, and it's happening here:
CATALYST – artist collective
2079 e 15th St
unit 330
LA 90021 CA
3 blocks West of Santa Fe, building runs from 14th to 15th Street
You may follow this link into your web browser for a google map:,+Los+Angeles,+CA+90021,+USA&ie=UTF8&z=17&iwloc=addr&om=1
Directions from Westside:
10 East thru downtown
exit Santa Fe - South
Take Right on Santa Fe
Take 1st Right after Olympic on 11th St (ignore sign that says 12th St)
At end of Street Take Left on Santa Clara (you can only go Left)
park on Left side across from huge brick building
use door next to “sec C” under the address
go to 3rd floor & knock on metal door at head of stairs
Directions from Hollywood or the Valley:
101 South past downtown
Exit 7th St
Take Right on 7th St
Go over bridge & Take Left onto Santa Fe
Take 1st Right after Olympic on 11th St (ignore sign that says 12th St)
At end of Street Take Left on Santa Clara (you can only go Left)
park on Left side across from huge brick building
use door next to “sec C” under the address
go to 3rd floor & knock on metal door at head of stairs
Note: Just to confuse you the building has a second address – 1941 Santa Clara St. (same place kids but more accurate with all online maps & navigation systems).
They are having an awesome Dub/Electronica Art Party tonight from 10pm - 2am, and it's only $10 ($15 if you come after 11:30pm).
Patrick has 7 pieces hanging in the show, and it's happening here:
CATALYST – artist collective
2079 e 15th St
unit 330
LA 90021 CA
3 blocks West of Santa Fe, building runs from 14th to 15th Street
You may follow this link into your web browser for a google map:,+Los+Angeles,+CA+90021,+USA&ie=UTF8&z=17&iwloc=addr&om=1
Directions from Westside:
10 East thru downtown
exit Santa Fe - South
Take Right on Santa Fe
Take 1st Right after Olympic on 11th St (ignore sign that says 12th St)
At end of Street Take Left on Santa Clara (you can only go Left)
park on Left side across from huge brick building
use door next to “sec C” under the address
go to 3rd floor & knock on metal door at head of stairs
Directions from Hollywood or the Valley:
101 South past downtown
Exit 7th St
Take Right on 7th St
Go over bridge & Take Left onto Santa Fe
Take 1st Right after Olympic on 11th St (ignore sign that says 12th St)
At end of Street Take Left on Santa Clara (you can only go Left)
park on Left side across from huge brick building
use door next to “sec C” under the address
go to 3rd floor & knock on metal door at head of stairs
Note: Just to confuse you the building has a second address – 1941 Santa Clara St. (same place kids but more accurate with all online maps & navigation systems).
art shows,
catalyst art gallery,
patrick ian moore
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Holy crap!
My improv team "Not From Chicago" hath done it again. Tonight we won our 2nd Student Cagematch at the iO WEST, which means we're going up against a team of frisky newcomers next Thursday at 10pm. Mark your calendars!
Patrick is going to be joining my group as a "guest star" to fill in for vacationers, so this will be a rare opportunity to see the two of us improvise together for the FIRST TIME EVER! Woo-hoo!
We need LOTS of friends to turn out and VOTE FOR US because.... (drumroll please).... if we win NEXT week, we become the challengers in the MAINSTAGE cagematch at the BIG theater! That is very important in Improv land. Seriously.
So, please mark your calendars now... and please, please PLEASE come out and support us. The longer we win, the more experience we get on stage, and the better performers we become. There's only one way to get better in improv, and it's trial by fire, people! Come see us get burned. :-)
My improv team "Not From Chicago" hath done it again. Tonight we won our 2nd Student Cagematch at the iO WEST, which means we're going up against a team of frisky newcomers next Thursday at 10pm. Mark your calendars!
Patrick is going to be joining my group as a "guest star" to fill in for vacationers, so this will be a rare opportunity to see the two of us improvise together for the FIRST TIME EVER! Woo-hoo!
We need LOTS of friends to turn out and VOTE FOR US because.... (drumroll please).... if we win NEXT week, we become the challengers in the MAINSTAGE cagematch at the BIG theater! That is very important in Improv land. Seriously.
So, please mark your calendars now... and please, please PLEASE come out and support us. The longer we win, the more experience we get on stage, and the better performers we become. There's only one way to get better in improv, and it's trial by fire, people! Come see us get burned. :-)
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
This Thursday night at 10pm my improv team "Not From Chicago" will be defending our hard-won Student Cagematch Champion Belt at the iO WEST's Andy Dick Theater in Hollywood.
If you don't know what any of that means, let me explain:
A few months ago, I started taking Improv classes at iO WEST (formerly the Improv Olympic) and I fell in love. I found a nice group of dorks who enjoy making fun and furious long-form improv with me and we formed a team. We call ourselves "Not From Chicago".... as we are not from Chicago. Get it? Don't worry about it.
The important thing is that we participated in our first Cagematch last week (competitive improv!) and due to the fact that a bunch of friends turned out to vote for us, we WON! The whole thing is more or less a popularity contest, so it is imperative that we have folks come out to laugh, cheer, and VOTE FOR US.
If we win 10 times in a row, we end up on the Wall of Fame. If we just win a couple more times, we get to have the valuable experience of performing improv in front of a live audience.
For our first Cagematch, I hardly invited anyone I knew because I was petrified. Luckily, my teammates delivered and their friends turned up en mass. This week, it's my turn to show my bare ass to the world (metaphorically) and invite my friends and loved ones to come watch me wrangle with this new passion of mine. I am raw, I am rough, and I am willing to make an ass of myself in public. Huzzah!
Hope you can make it!
Come see "Not From Chicago" in
The iO WEST Student Cagematch
Thursday December 20th
Andy Dick Theater
(there's valet parking and everything! cheap bar!)
iO WEST is located at:
6366 Hollywood Blvd
Los Angeles, CA
Corner of Hollywood & Cosmo
If you don't know what any of that means, let me explain:
A few months ago, I started taking Improv classes at iO WEST (formerly the Improv Olympic) and I fell in love. I found a nice group of dorks who enjoy making fun and furious long-form improv with me and we formed a team. We call ourselves "Not From Chicago".... as we are not from Chicago. Get it? Don't worry about it.
The important thing is that we participated in our first Cagematch last week (competitive improv!) and due to the fact that a bunch of friends turned out to vote for us, we WON! The whole thing is more or less a popularity contest, so it is imperative that we have folks come out to laugh, cheer, and VOTE FOR US.
If we win 10 times in a row, we end up on the Wall of Fame. If we just win a couple more times, we get to have the valuable experience of performing improv in front of a live audience.
For our first Cagematch, I hardly invited anyone I knew because I was petrified. Luckily, my teammates delivered and their friends turned up en mass. This week, it's my turn to show my bare ass to the world (metaphorically) and invite my friends and loved ones to come watch me wrangle with this new passion of mine. I am raw, I am rough, and I am willing to make an ass of myself in public. Huzzah!
Hope you can make it!
Come see "Not From Chicago" in
The iO WEST Student Cagematch
Thursday December 20th
Andy Dick Theater
(there's valet parking and everything! cheap bar!)
iO WEST is located at:
6366 Hollywood Blvd
Los Angeles, CA
Corner of Hollywood & Cosmo
andy dick,
improv olympic,
io west,
juli crockett,
student cagematch
Friday, December 14, 2007
My improv group "Not From Chicago" just won our first student cagematch ever at iO WEST! Huzzah!
It was my first time performing Improv in front of an audience, our first time performing in front of an audience together, it was messy as hell, and tons of fun.
Yes, I know I didn't really tell anyone about this or invite anyone... I was scared! I wanted to get the first time out of the way in semi-private (Patrick was there to keep me calm) and NOW that it's over, I'm ready to shout from the tree tops and do my part to stack the audience in our favor. :-)
The whole Student Cagematch thing is more or less a popularity contest, so it is imperative that we have a bunch of friends to vote for us. The longer we stay in, the more experience we get, so that's awesome.
So I hope y'all can make it next Thursday and see me be a total spazz on the stage!
And be sure to come to the Evangenitals Record Release Party on Sunday, too!
Good times.
It was my first time performing Improv in front of an audience, our first time performing in front of an audience together, it was messy as hell, and tons of fun.
Yes, I know I didn't really tell anyone about this or invite anyone... I was scared! I wanted to get the first time out of the way in semi-private (Patrick was there to keep me calm) and NOW that it's over, I'm ready to shout from the tree tops and do my part to stack the audience in our favor. :-)
The whole Student Cagematch thing is more or less a popularity contest, so it is imperative that we have a bunch of friends to vote for us. The longer we stay in, the more experience we get, so that's awesome.
So I hope y'all can make it next Thursday and see me be a total spazz on the stage!
And be sure to come to the Evangenitals Record Release Party on Sunday, too!
Good times.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
the muck of sickness is upon me!
my nose is caked with slime & gunk and my throat feels like i swallowed broken glass. i tried to walk the dog and felt as if i were going to fall over. by the end of the walk i felt a little better, though my skin felt rather prickly.
i am now embarking upon a shower to cleanse myself of two days of sweat and sickness and purify my very soul. somehow i feel that this will cure me. i've got some dr bronners peppermint soap in there, so i know that i shall be blessed.
my nose is caked with slime & gunk and my throat feels like i swallowed broken glass. i tried to walk the dog and felt as if i were going to fall over. by the end of the walk i felt a little better, though my skin felt rather prickly.
i am now embarking upon a shower to cleanse myself of two days of sweat and sickness and purify my very soul. somehow i feel that this will cure me. i've got some dr bronners peppermint soap in there, so i know that i shall be blessed.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
I am eBaying!
That's right... I have officially and most joyfully burst my "selling on eBay" cherry. It is probably equal parts financial desperation and need to clear out some shizzz that I don't use at all, and it is fun!
The first item I put up was this video and film editing book that I bought long ago when I thought I was going to go to an editing school, and then didn't. It was really expensive, and still is, as you can see here:
I have a bunch of really good editing books that I'm going to be putting up for bidding. For someone who is actually an editor, I would think they'd be a score, so tell your editing friends to jump on the bidding train! I held onto these books forever thinking that I would someday read them and spend long hours learning to edit. This afternoon, in the midst of a crappy cold, I came to the realization that I've got other fish to fry and different artistic strengths to focus on! Huzzah.
That's right... I have officially and most joyfully burst my "selling on eBay" cherry. It is probably equal parts financial desperation and need to clear out some shizzz that I don't use at all, and it is fun!
The first item I put up was this video and film editing book that I bought long ago when I thought I was going to go to an editing school, and then didn't. It was really expensive, and still is, as you can see here:
I have a bunch of really good editing books that I'm going to be putting up for bidding. For someone who is actually an editor, I would think they'd be a score, so tell your editing friends to jump on the bidding train! I held onto these books forever thinking that I would someday read them and spend long hours learning to edit. This afternoon, in the midst of a crappy cold, I came to the realization that I've got other fish to fry and different artistic strengths to focus on! Huzzah.
film editing,
nonlinear editing,
selling on ebay,
used books
Monday, November 26, 2007
I'm very excited about this!
I haven't seen Patrick in a play since "The Lonely Shopgirl" in 2001, and that was friggin' awesome.
Supposedly they've got him running around in tights and wigs and flouncy shirts and he's sword-fighting and melodramatic-ing and all sorts of other silliness.
The play opens this Friday... I'll be going to the opening & closing nights and one in the middle for sure, so if you'd like to join me drop me a line!
Woo hoo...
I haven't seen Patrick in a play since "The Lonely Shopgirl" in 2001, and that was friggin' awesome.
Supposedly they've got him running around in tights and wigs and flouncy shirts and he's sword-fighting and melodramatic-ing and all sorts of other silliness.
The play opens this Friday... I'll be going to the opening & closing nights and one in the middle for sure, so if you'd like to join me drop me a line!
Woo hoo...
pasadena city college,
patrick ian moore,
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
250,000 Empty Bottles = One Man's Floating Mexican Island Paradise
If you can’t afford to buy your own tropical island paradise, why not build your own? The original (now destroyed) Spiral Island sported a two-story house, solar oven, self-composting toilet and multiple beaches. What now? Its creator is building a new recycled island paradise that he plans to float out to sea and travel around the world on!
read more | digg story
If you can’t afford to buy your own tropical island paradise, why not build your own? The original (now destroyed) Spiral Island sported a two-story house, solar oven, self-composting toilet and multiple beaches. What now? Its creator is building a new recycled island paradise that he plans to float out to sea and travel around the world on!
read more | digg story
floating island,
green living,
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Sign of the Apocalypse???
Here is something I never expected to see...
The Evangenitals at WalMart???
Crazy times we're living in! I dig it. :-)
Here is something I never expected to see...
The Evangenitals at WalMart???
Crazy times we're living in! I dig it. :-)
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Finally.... someone has reviewed our new album! Thankfully, they really liked it. :-)
Peter is a fan from the UK that we met when we opened for Trainwreck at the Knitting Factory. He came to see Trainwreck, and left loving the Evangenitals. I was hoping he would really dig our 2nd album, especially after waiting for it to make the long journey across the Atlantic.
You can read his review on our album page at, and hopefully, for those of you who have heard the new album, it will inspire you to write your own!
You can also log in and review the album on iTunes. Every review is incredibly helpful, as it helps us get "star ratings" and spreads the good word about the Evangenitals.
And now, here's some Awesome News:
*We're on!
If you are not familiar with, I'd highly recommend checking it out. It's incredible internet radio.
*We got an awesome write-up from Orphan Records!
Check it out!
*George's Birthday is on November 17th!
*We're playing a welcome home show at Mr T's Bowl with Ollin on November 26th!
And if you haven't seen/rated/commented and passed on the new Evangenitals video to everyone you know... you can do it here:
Remember, anything you can do to help spread the word about the Evangenitals helps to keep the dream alive, so thanks for everything!
Juli & The Evangenitals
Peter is a fan from the UK that we met when we opened for Trainwreck at the Knitting Factory. He came to see Trainwreck, and left loving the Evangenitals. I was hoping he would really dig our 2nd album, especially after waiting for it to make the long journey across the Atlantic.
You can read his review on our album page at, and hopefully, for those of you who have heard the new album, it will inspire you to write your own!
You can also log in and review the album on iTunes. Every review is incredibly helpful, as it helps us get "star ratings" and spreads the good word about the Evangenitals.
And now, here's some Awesome News:
*We're on!
If you are not familiar with, I'd highly recommend checking it out. It's incredible internet radio.
*We got an awesome write-up from Orphan Records!
Check it out!
*George's Birthday is on November 17th!
*We're playing a welcome home show at Mr T's Bowl with Ollin on November 26th!
And if you haven't seen/rated/commented and passed on the new Evangenitals video to everyone you know... you can do it here:
Remember, anything you can do to help spread the word about the Evangenitals helps to keep the dream alive, so thanks for everything!
Juli & The Evangenitals
CD Baby,
knitting factory,
mr t's bowl,
orphan records,
Monday, November 12, 2007
NEWSFLASH! Rabid WEEN fan calls out the Evangenitals for "antic ripping"
I don't know how many of you frequent the Ween Forum but if you know me at all, you may know that I absolutely adore that friggin' band and they are a huge influence and inspiration to me. So you can imagine my combination of giddiness and utter despair when this forum post was brought to my attention:
"So, this band rips off WEEN'S stage antics... The band is the Evangenitals."
To be fair, I was totally doing an homage to Ween's "Painting the Town Brown" live album that night, which, if you don't know it, means that before and after every song I would say, "This song is ______, by the Evangenitals." Any serious Ween fan who listens to a lot of live albums and bootlegs would probably pick up on a number of shout-outs and nuances on my "stage antics" that are inspired by Deaner and Gener. Those boys are like icons in my mind that help me get through shows without having a panic attack. When in doubt, I simply pretend like I'm Gener prancing about in a Hawaiian shirt and his Las Vegas-worthy bravado helps me get through the night.
In the end, it seemed that the Ween Forum members, who are usually horrifically cutthroat, came out on the side of the Evangenitals... considering that Ween is a band who is known for the frequent homage, cover, rip off, and riffing on the styles of those who came before.
In other news, Ween's new album "La Cucaracha" has been on rotation in my iTunes with a horrific frequency lately. To be honest, I can't stop listening to it. That and Devendra Banhart's "Smokey Rolls Down Thunder Canyon". The Devendra Banhart album is getting an average of 3 full plays per day, while Ween's La Cucaracha is coming in at an average of twice a day.
Banhart does have a bit of an advantage, though, as the album has a lot of super-mellow cuts which means I can keep playing "Smokey" late into the night in my apartment building without disturbing my neighbors. "With My Own Bare Hands" wouldn't go over so well at 3am... however, it has earned its place on my "if I were a stripper" playlist! It is filthy, fierce, and delightful. I love it.
I don't know how many of you frequent the Ween Forum but if you know me at all, you may know that I absolutely adore that friggin' band and they are a huge influence and inspiration to me. So you can imagine my combination of giddiness and utter despair when this forum post was brought to my attention:
"So, this band rips off WEEN'S stage antics... The band is the Evangenitals."
To be fair, I was totally doing an homage to Ween's "Painting the Town Brown" live album that night, which, if you don't know it, means that before and after every song I would say, "This song is ______, by the Evangenitals." Any serious Ween fan who listens to a lot of live albums and bootlegs would probably pick up on a number of shout-outs and nuances on my "stage antics" that are inspired by Deaner and Gener. Those boys are like icons in my mind that help me get through shows without having a panic attack. When in doubt, I simply pretend like I'm Gener prancing about in a Hawaiian shirt and his Las Vegas-worthy bravado helps me get through the night.
In the end, it seemed that the Ween Forum members, who are usually horrifically cutthroat, came out on the side of the Evangenitals... considering that Ween is a band who is known for the frequent homage, cover, rip off, and riffing on the styles of those who came before.
In other news, Ween's new album "La Cucaracha" has been on rotation in my iTunes with a horrific frequency lately. To be honest, I can't stop listening to it. That and Devendra Banhart's "Smokey Rolls Down Thunder Canyon". The Devendra Banhart album is getting an average of 3 full plays per day, while Ween's La Cucaracha is coming in at an average of twice a day.
Banhart does have a bit of an advantage, though, as the album has a lot of super-mellow cuts which means I can keep playing "Smokey" late into the night in my apartment building without disturbing my neighbors. "With My Own Bare Hands" wouldn't go over so well at 3am... however, it has earned its place on my "if I were a stripper" playlist! It is filthy, fierce, and delightful. I love it.
devendra banhart,
ween forum
Saturday, November 10, 2007
The Evangina show last night at TruXtop gallery was awesome. It's always a crazy and incredibly vulnerable experience when Lisa and I strip the Evangenitals act back to its barest bones and do the femme duet thing. Luckily it's also always a really beautiful and validating experience as well, as folks really respond to the sweet simplicity of our two voices and the minimal guitar accompaniment.
I was playing a new (to me) guitar, a really awesome junior Epiphone electric that super friend and super fan Albert gave me as a present. I am loving its sound. I mainly played bass lines and finger-picked on the tunes while Lisa covered the strumming and rhythm parts. It was super-intimate, super-tender, and ridiculously fun. We brought along our bin of play-along instruments and closed out with "Home"... which has now become a tradition since the Road to Oprah tour.
We did a few new tunes/covers... including the Ramones, Misfits, and some Bob Dylan. Good times! The art show was great, and I loved the gallery/space. Be sure to pay them a visit, check out the art, and support this new gallery. As for Evangina, I'm thinking that we need to get out on the town and play some more gigs. It's really good practice for us to put our asses on the line like that. :-)
I was playing a new (to me) guitar, a really awesome junior Epiphone electric that super friend and super fan Albert gave me as a present. I am loving its sound. I mainly played bass lines and finger-picked on the tunes while Lisa covered the strumming and rhythm parts. It was super-intimate, super-tender, and ridiculously fun. We brought along our bin of play-along instruments and closed out with "Home"... which has now become a tradition since the Road to Oprah tour.
We did a few new tunes/covers... including the Ramones, Misfits, and some Bob Dylan. Good times! The art show was great, and I loved the gallery/space. Be sure to pay them a visit, check out the art, and support this new gallery. As for Evangina, I'm thinking that we need to get out on the town and play some more gigs. It's really good practice for us to put our asses on the line like that. :-)
bob dylan,
juli crockett,
lisa dee,
truxtop gallery
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
CD Exchange with Academy Award Winner Barbara Trent
While in Chapel Hill, North Carolina on the Road to Oprah tour we stayed at Academy Award-winning documentary filmmaker Barbara Trent's amazing farm house.
In the morning, we exchanged some Evangenitals CD's for her award-winning films.
Good trade!
In the morning, we exchanged some Evangenitals CD's for her award-winning films.
Good trade!
We helped make history!
While on the Road to Oprah tour the Evangenitals and The 1 Second Film crew stopped off to help paint the World's Largest Ball of Paint in Alexandria, Indiana.
Here's a bit of "Ball of Paint" trivia: The only other celebrity to do so is Tom Green!
Here's a bit of "Ball of Paint" trivia: The only other celebrity to do so is Tom Green!
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Please allow me to introduce myself...
So I was sitting at home starting to doodle on some music for this "History of Water" piece that I'm working on and I decide to try to play "WATER" on the guitar. I figure the best way to do this is to convert the word to Spanish (AGUA) and play the nearest chords to those letters (I substituted "D" for the "U", since a "D" is like a "U" that fell over against a wall)...
I ended up jamming for about an hour on what turned out to be a variant way of playing the Rolling Stones' "Sympathy for the Devil"
MERE COINCIDENCE???? Or is there some deeper connection here betwixt the Devil and Spanish Water? More to be explored...
It's nice to be home again. :-)
So I was sitting at home starting to doodle on some music for this "History of Water" piece that I'm working on and I decide to try to play "WATER" on the guitar. I figure the best way to do this is to convert the word to Spanish (AGUA) and play the nearest chords to those letters (I substituted "D" for the "U", since a "D" is like a "U" that fell over against a wall)...
I ended up jamming for about an hour on what turned out to be a variant way of playing the Rolling Stones' "Sympathy for the Devil"
MERE COINCIDENCE???? Or is there some deeper connection here betwixt the Devil and Spanish Water? More to be explored...
It's nice to be home again. :-)
Monday, November 05, 2007
This is possibly the greatest music video ever...
This is Kate Flannery (Meredith on The Office) and Scot Robinson (my improv teacher at IO West, who was in Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burg as "" - an awesome and slightly tragic lounge act duo that perform the first Saturday of every month at the Improv Olympic in Hollywood. I highly recommend the show.
If you like that video, their mash-up of Mandy/Brandy/Candy/Andy will knock your socks off!
Please take pleasure in loving them. :-)
This is Kate Flannery (Meredith on The Office) and Scot Robinson (my improv teacher at IO West, who was in Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burg as "" - an awesome and slightly tragic lounge act duo that perform the first Saturday of every month at the Improv Olympic in Hollywood. I highly recommend the show.
If you like that video, their mash-up of Mandy/Brandy/Candy/Andy will knock your socks off!
Please take pleasure in loving them. :-)
io west,
kate flannery,
lounge singers,
scot robinson,
the lampshades,
the office
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Blogging has been tough from the Road to Oprah. Too much going on, and when there is down-time we're usually in the middle of nowhere with no email/web services.
Chapel Hill with North Carolina was amazing. First we got biodiesel at Larry's Coffee in Raleigh NC and then we crashed at academy award winning documentary filmmaker Barbara Trent's house. We ate fresh veggies from her garden, ate under the stars on her back porch, and had a good old fashioned musical hootenanny after dinner.
In Washington DC the whole trip became a grand success when Michelle Brown gave us a check for $10,000 at a house party and became our #3 producer and the top personal donor to The 1 Second Film. We also got some awesome footage in front of the Capital Building and the Lincoln & Washington Memorials.
Baltimore is an incredibly beautiful and desperate city. There were more boarded up buildings and run down/uninhabitable neighborhoods in Baltimore than there were in New Orleans. We happened upon an event where Montel Williams was speaking and tried to get some time with him, however, we were kicked out of the area when folks began to get more excited about The 1 Second Film and our Road to Oprah tour than they were about Montel's free pharmaceutical drug program.
Linda Evans of the University of Baltimore got us hooked up with nice hotel rooms for the nice, which was super fantastic, then we were off to Philadelphia in the morning. We stopped at Baltimore Biodeisel, which shared a building with a truly fantastic Organic Market where we loaded up on some great juice, coffee, and B99 biodiesel.
Philadelphia was a beautiful town and Nirvan's friend Rebecca from New College was a beautiful host. The place we played, Silk City Lounge, was a super cool renovated old 50's diner. The night could have been planned a little better, ran WAY late, and had really slow transitions HOWEVER we still played a great show and rocked the house that we had at 1am on a Tuesday night. :-)
On to Brooklyn! The event at Vox Pop was a crown jewel of the Road to Oprah tour thus far. So many old friends whom I hadn't laid eyes on in quite some time. It seemed almost everyone in the Evangenitals and Road to Oprah crew had some friends and/or family in New York that came out to see us on a rainy night in Brooklyn. Eric Talbert (who helped organize the event) and Webster from Golden Birds (the other band that played) are friends of mine from The European Graduate School in Saas- Fee, Switzerland and this was the first time that I had seen them on US soil! My brother (photographer Jaisen Crockett) came out, Dan Paquin from Dirt Bike Annie (RIP) whom I went to NYU with was there and gave me his new album of 15 second punk songs. Sean Lewis, performance artist extraordinare made an appearance. My favorite costume designer in the universe Irina Kruzhilina. Good people all around!
We slept in the bus on Flatbush Ave and right now we're driving down Houston heading toward Washington Square Park. We just rolled by Ground Zero and saw the big hole in the ground. In a few minutes we'll be heading up to Harlem to meet documentary film legend Albert Maysels, director of Grey Gardens and the first man to film the Beatles in the US.
More soon, I hope. The Road to Oprah is growing near the end!
Chapel Hill with North Carolina was amazing. First we got biodiesel at Larry's Coffee in Raleigh NC and then we crashed at academy award winning documentary filmmaker Barbara Trent's house. We ate fresh veggies from her garden, ate under the stars on her back porch, and had a good old fashioned musical hootenanny after dinner.
In Washington DC the whole trip became a grand success when Michelle Brown gave us a check for $10,000 at a house party and became our #3 producer and the top personal donor to The 1 Second Film. We also got some awesome footage in front of the Capital Building and the Lincoln & Washington Memorials.
Baltimore is an incredibly beautiful and desperate city. There were more boarded up buildings and run down/uninhabitable neighborhoods in Baltimore than there were in New Orleans. We happened upon an event where Montel Williams was speaking and tried to get some time with him, however, we were kicked out of the area when folks began to get more excited about The 1 Second Film and our Road to Oprah tour than they were about Montel's free pharmaceutical drug program.
Linda Evans of the University of Baltimore got us hooked up with nice hotel rooms for the nice, which was super fantastic, then we were off to Philadelphia in the morning. We stopped at Baltimore Biodeisel, which shared a building with a truly fantastic Organic Market where we loaded up on some great juice, coffee, and B99 biodiesel.
Philadelphia was a beautiful town and Nirvan's friend Rebecca from New College was a beautiful host. The place we played, Silk City Lounge, was a super cool renovated old 50's diner. The night could have been planned a little better, ran WAY late, and had really slow transitions HOWEVER we still played a great show and rocked the house that we had at 1am on a Tuesday night. :-)
On to Brooklyn! The event at Vox Pop was a crown jewel of the Road to Oprah tour thus far. So many old friends whom I hadn't laid eyes on in quite some time. It seemed almost everyone in the Evangenitals and Road to Oprah crew had some friends and/or family in New York that came out to see us on a rainy night in Brooklyn. Eric Talbert (who helped organize the event) and Webster from Golden Birds (the other band that played) are friends of mine from The European Graduate School in Saas- Fee, Switzerland and this was the first time that I had seen them on US soil! My brother (photographer Jaisen Crockett) came out, Dan Paquin from Dirt Bike Annie (RIP) whom I went to NYU with was there and gave me his new album of 15 second punk songs. Sean Lewis, performance artist extraordinare made an appearance. My favorite costume designer in the universe Irina Kruzhilina. Good people all around!
We slept in the bus on Flatbush Ave and right now we're driving down Houston heading toward Washington Square Park. We just rolled by Ground Zero and saw the big hole in the ground. In a few minutes we'll be heading up to Harlem to meet documentary film legend Albert Maysels, director of Grey Gardens and the first man to film the Beatles in the US.
More soon, I hope. The Road to Oprah is growing near the end!
Friday, October 19, 2007
Stephen Colbert helps explain The 1 Second Film
Colbert helps sum up the absurd yet epic collaborative quest of The Second Film he is producing. Video has cameos with many of the celebs involved. I think I finally get it!
read more | digg story
read more | digg story
Sweet Carolinas
Last night’s show at the Guitar Bar in Savannah was awesome. It’s continually bewildering and wonderful that the Evangenitals manage to connect and communicate with folks beyond our own backyard. We had a nice helping of SCAD students in the crowd last night, and once we got a sense of their sensibilities, we started to cut loose with some Fuck ‘em All/Gasoline action. We had such an awesome sing/play-a-long for “Home” that we decided to throw in the Vagina Song as well. That was a big hit. Many copies of Everlovin’ were sold simply so that folks could have Fuck ‘em All on hand as the new theme song to their lives. I got lots of good hugs. A great show, a great night, and a great city. At least the few blocks that I saw.
I loved the Southern Gothic feel, the low-handing moss off the trees, and the fountains. There seems to be a strange merging of deterioration and growth going on there -- lots of old historical buildings, lots of construction, and lots of vacant spaces/buildings for sale. So far Austin, New Orleans, and Savannah have been my favorite towns, as far as look/feel/vibe/scene/etc.
That morning we played at a Veterans Memorial Nursing Home in Daytona, Florida. And yes, we played those old, dirty war vets Gasoline! ☺ They wanted to hear something spicy, and we gave it to them. We got some great footage of our “Home” sing-a-long/play-a-long there as well. This should be one EPIC music video!
The night before we were supposed to play at the amphitheater in Port Orange, FL… however the park security had other plans! We were told that we couldn’t play there, so during all the discussion and commotion the Evangenitals shot an impromptu music video for “Not Quite There” with some local skaters. Huzzah! The young skater boys were super-sweet and helpful and really excited to be in a movie. When we get back from this trip Brett will be able to start editing all this footage and we should have a steady stream of videos coming out on YouTube, right about when Everlovin’ becomes available on iTunes. That synchronized marketing, baby!
The night before THAT we were in Tampa, Florida playing the Skatepark of Tampa (SPOT) which was an awesome experience as well. We stepped up on the stage to play for a bunch of shirtless, angry, mohawk-wearing, punker skate kids that were TOTALLY won over by the Evangenitals joy. My sister Jaimee and new brother-in-law Tom came out to the show, as well as my old friend Dwayne from High School..
So much is happening it is all blending together and difficult to explain. I’m so glad there will be video tape and photos and a lifetime to keep writing songs and telling stories about it all.
I’m in love with the land and the sky and the trees. This land was made for you and me.
Last night’s show at the Guitar Bar in Savannah was awesome. It’s continually bewildering and wonderful that the Evangenitals manage to connect and communicate with folks beyond our own backyard. We had a nice helping of SCAD students in the crowd last night, and once we got a sense of their sensibilities, we started to cut loose with some Fuck ‘em All/Gasoline action. We had such an awesome sing/play-a-long for “Home” that we decided to throw in the Vagina Song as well. That was a big hit. Many copies of Everlovin’ were sold simply so that folks could have Fuck ‘em All on hand as the new theme song to their lives. I got lots of good hugs. A great show, a great night, and a great city. At least the few blocks that I saw.
I loved the Southern Gothic feel, the low-handing moss off the trees, and the fountains. There seems to be a strange merging of deterioration and growth going on there -- lots of old historical buildings, lots of construction, and lots of vacant spaces/buildings for sale. So far Austin, New Orleans, and Savannah have been my favorite towns, as far as look/feel/vibe/scene/etc.
That morning we played at a Veterans Memorial Nursing Home in Daytona, Florida. And yes, we played those old, dirty war vets Gasoline! ☺ They wanted to hear something spicy, and we gave it to them. We got some great footage of our “Home” sing-a-long/play-a-long there as well. This should be one EPIC music video!
The night before we were supposed to play at the amphitheater in Port Orange, FL… however the park security had other plans! We were told that we couldn’t play there, so during all the discussion and commotion the Evangenitals shot an impromptu music video for “Not Quite There” with some local skaters. Huzzah! The young skater boys were super-sweet and helpful and really excited to be in a movie. When we get back from this trip Brett will be able to start editing all this footage and we should have a steady stream of videos coming out on YouTube, right about when Everlovin’ becomes available on iTunes. That synchronized marketing, baby!
The night before THAT we were in Tampa, Florida playing the Skatepark of Tampa (SPOT) which was an awesome experience as well. We stepped up on the stage to play for a bunch of shirtless, angry, mohawk-wearing, punker skate kids that were TOTALLY won over by the Evangenitals joy. My sister Jaimee and new brother-in-law Tom came out to the show, as well as my old friend Dwayne from High School..
So much is happening it is all blending together and difficult to explain. I’m so glad there will be video tape and photos and a lifetime to keep writing songs and telling stories about it all.
I’m in love with the land and the sky and the trees. This land was made for you and me.
guitar bar,
road to oprah,
the 1 second film
Thursday, October 18, 2007
This is one of those moments in my life that won't be forgotten anytime soon...
Similar to pulling out of New Orleans, I can still remember the feeling of the wind on my face, the smell of the air, the temperature, everything.
Oh, America... you are beautiful. :-)
Similar to pulling out of New Orleans, I can still remember the feeling of the wind on my face, the smell of the air, the temperature, everything.
Oh, America... you are beautiful. :-)
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
This was a geeky highlight of the Road to Oprah tour for me so far. I got to trade Evangenitals' CD's and some stickers for Kyle MacDonald of One Red Paperclip fame's new book, a patch, and some stickers. It was pretty awesome.
He and his wife, Dom, tagged along from our Tallahassee show at The Warehouse to my mom's house in St Pete and The 1 Second Film's presentation at St Pete High. He and Dom came out to the Evangenitals' show at the Skatepark of Tampa (SPOT) Transitions Art Gallery before heading in the opposite direction than us... to New Orleans, where we had been just days before. It was really cool to cross paths with them on the Road to Oprah!
He and his wife, Dom, tagged along from our Tallahassee show at The Warehouse to my mom's house in St Pete and The 1 Second Film's presentation at St Pete High. He and Dom came out to the Evangenitals' show at the Skatepark of Tampa (SPOT) Transitions Art Gallery before heading in the opposite direction than us... to New Orleans, where we had been just days before. It was really cool to cross paths with them on the Road to Oprah!
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Oh, Albuquerque!
What an awesome town Albuquerque is... at least the Knob Hill area/few blocks that we explored during our stay. We rolled into Albuquerque really late Monday night/really early Tuesday morning after driving all night and pulled up in front of what the GPS thingy told us was Nirvan’s sister (and awesome jewelry designer) Dream Mullick’s house. Unfortunately, it was NOT Dream’s house that we pulled our noisy Road to Oprah tour bus in front of at 5am-ish. It was Susan’s. Fortunately, Susan was a real sweetheart. A stewardess for Southwest Airlines who offered us coffee, cereal, and a bed to sleep in if we needed it. No wonder her garbage man has a crush on her!
We all hit the hay pretty quickly after saying good morning and good night to Nirvan’s Mom, sister, and boyfriend Sterling. While I slept until the smell of food cooking woke me up in the afternoon, Brett (who slept on the bus), was awakened by Susan bringing him a cup of coffee. She then took him on a tour of Albuquerque. Oh yeah, and did I mention that she left 3 boxes of cereal and a carton of milk on the steps of our bus for us? God bless Susan the stewardess!
Upon awakening, we were off for some local promoting of that night’s event at the STOVE Gallery. There was a big animation festival in town, so we figured we’d hit that, and then the college. En route to the Animation Fest, we attempted an ill-advised U-turn, which caused our trailer to jackknife and busted the hitch. We stashed the caboose in a High School parking lot and called Dream, who proved to be our guardian angel on this stop. She took Levi to the auto shop while the rest of us hit the animation fest where we met some awesome folks from the Adobe company (who may donate some software for The 1 Second Film and website) as well as some nice Volunteers who really dug the project, the tour, and engaged us in a much-appreciated hug-fest.
Everything got fixed and we all regrouped to head to the space and set up, where we got to have our first “official” band practice with the current lineup (for 30 minutes) before the show started. At first it didn’t seem like many folks were going to turn up, but then the trickle turned into a stream and at one point in the evening we did have quite a nice, packed house.
At one point we had a crowd of people sitting at the edge of the stage (just like the old days!) playing all kinds of instruments – from tambourines to xylophones to sleigh bells to kazoos – for one of my favorite renditions of Home that the Evangenitals have ever played. Everyone was playing and singing at the top of their lungs and we got it all caught on tape… coming soon to YouTube!
It is my great hope that Mike and Nirvan will get the illusive “intro video” up on YouTube today so that we can start sharing the VIDEO version of all of our various and sundry adventures and encounters on the Road to Oprah, as well as my random ramblings.
It’s wonderful: I miss LA and I’m loving this life on the road. Ah, the miracle of simultaneity. We’re in the midst of a few brutal days of driving and playing. Texas is huge, and it’s where we’re heading and right smack in the middle of where we go after that. Right now, we’re closing in on Roswell, NM to shoot some footage of the Evangenitals and the Aliens (and impromptu Ode to Scientology video perhaps?) and then to Carlsbad Caverns to play in the caves. After that, we drive as far as we can before passing out for the night, in the hopes of behind close to Austin in the morning.
Oh Austin!
What an awesome town Albuquerque is... at least the Knob Hill area/few blocks that we explored during our stay. We rolled into Albuquerque really late Monday night/really early Tuesday morning after driving all night and pulled up in front of what the GPS thingy told us was Nirvan’s sister (and awesome jewelry designer) Dream Mullick’s house. Unfortunately, it was NOT Dream’s house that we pulled our noisy Road to Oprah tour bus in front of at 5am-ish. It was Susan’s. Fortunately, Susan was a real sweetheart. A stewardess for Southwest Airlines who offered us coffee, cereal, and a bed to sleep in if we needed it. No wonder her garbage man has a crush on her!
We all hit the hay pretty quickly after saying good morning and good night to Nirvan’s Mom, sister, and boyfriend Sterling. While I slept until the smell of food cooking woke me up in the afternoon, Brett (who slept on the bus), was awakened by Susan bringing him a cup of coffee. She then took him on a tour of Albuquerque. Oh yeah, and did I mention that she left 3 boxes of cereal and a carton of milk on the steps of our bus for us? God bless Susan the stewardess!
Upon awakening, we were off for some local promoting of that night’s event at the STOVE Gallery. There was a big animation festival in town, so we figured we’d hit that, and then the college. En route to the Animation Fest, we attempted an ill-advised U-turn, which caused our trailer to jackknife and busted the hitch. We stashed the caboose in a High School parking lot and called Dream, who proved to be our guardian angel on this stop. She took Levi to the auto shop while the rest of us hit the animation fest where we met some awesome folks from the Adobe company (who may donate some software for The 1 Second Film and website) as well as some nice Volunteers who really dug the project, the tour, and engaged us in a much-appreciated hug-fest.
Everything got fixed and we all regrouped to head to the space and set up, where we got to have our first “official” band practice with the current lineup (for 30 minutes) before the show started. At first it didn’t seem like many folks were going to turn up, but then the trickle turned into a stream and at one point in the evening we did have quite a nice, packed house.
At one point we had a crowd of people sitting at the edge of the stage (just like the old days!) playing all kinds of instruments – from tambourines to xylophones to sleigh bells to kazoos – for one of my favorite renditions of Home that the Evangenitals have ever played. Everyone was playing and singing at the top of their lungs and we got it all caught on tape… coming soon to YouTube!
It is my great hope that Mike and Nirvan will get the illusive “intro video” up on YouTube today so that we can start sharing the VIDEO version of all of our various and sundry adventures and encounters on the Road to Oprah, as well as my random ramblings.
It’s wonderful: I miss LA and I’m loving this life on the road. Ah, the miracle of simultaneity. We’re in the midst of a few brutal days of driving and playing. Texas is huge, and it’s where we’re heading and right smack in the middle of where we go after that. Right now, we’re closing in on Roswell, NM to shoot some footage of the Evangenitals and the Aliens (and impromptu Ode to Scientology video perhaps?) and then to Carlsbad Caverns to play in the caves. After that, we drive as far as we can before passing out for the night, in the hopes of behind close to Austin in the morning.
Oh Austin!
Monday, October 08, 2007
Albuquerque, here we come!
Brett is behind the wheel of the bio-bus and we’re driving to Albuquerque right now, after spending the day at the Grand Canyon. We intended to go see the giant meteor crater in Flagstaff after the Grand Canyon, alas… the canyon proved too grand and we had to stay there for hours and hours. It was amazing and it was my first time seeing it.
The shuttle drivers of the Grand Canyon National Park gave us the 411 on THE prime spot to park the bus right next to the canyon for the ultimate photo op. We played on the roof of the bus for tourists from Florida, Alabama, Sweden, and North Carolina. We shot a music video (Home) on the very edge of a cliff. We saw a rainbow and sang the “Rainbow Connection” which inspired a woman to give us a dollar. The moment was so beautiful it made Lisa Dee cry. That was the second time the kindness and open kindheartedness of a stranger made her cry today. I’d say that’s a pretty good day!
Sarah made another amazing dinner (vegan pasta!), Brett and Nirvan did the dishes, Lisa chopped the veggies (I helped), and Levi and Mike hung out with the missionaries in the converted school bus parked next to us (George was sleeping). It turned out that the missionaries (who seemed, at first glance, more like leftist hippies than missionaries) didn’t like the name of our band (The Evangenitals). So, we improvised a new song about the forgiveness of Jesus Christ that the folks back home in Los Angeles will truly love.
We’ve written two new songs so far about the trip, the film, and Nirvan (the creator of this whole beast!) that I’m pretty excited about. One is seriously gypsy inspired, and the other reminds me a bit of old Poi Dog Pondering.
Tomorrow night in Albuquerque is our first “official” performance/presentation at the STOVE gallery from 7pm-11pm. I hear there are going to be breakdancers and I’m pretty excited about that. Everybody is getting along well, so that’s awesome. You never know how it’s going to turn out when you put 8 people in a bus for several days with not a lot of sleep, not a lot of space, and no showers so far. Thankfully, in Albuquerque we’ll be staying at Nirvan’s sister’s house and there will be hot showers, hot meals, and beds that are bumpy and on wheels.
Brett is behind the wheel of the bio-bus and we’re driving to Albuquerque right now, after spending the day at the Grand Canyon. We intended to go see the giant meteor crater in Flagstaff after the Grand Canyon, alas… the canyon proved too grand and we had to stay there for hours and hours. It was amazing and it was my first time seeing it.
The shuttle drivers of the Grand Canyon National Park gave us the 411 on THE prime spot to park the bus right next to the canyon for the ultimate photo op. We played on the roof of the bus for tourists from Florida, Alabama, Sweden, and North Carolina. We shot a music video (Home) on the very edge of a cliff. We saw a rainbow and sang the “Rainbow Connection” which inspired a woman to give us a dollar. The moment was so beautiful it made Lisa Dee cry. That was the second time the kindness and open kindheartedness of a stranger made her cry today. I’d say that’s a pretty good day!
Sarah made another amazing dinner (vegan pasta!), Brett and Nirvan did the dishes, Lisa chopped the veggies (I helped), and Levi and Mike hung out with the missionaries in the converted school bus parked next to us (George was sleeping). It turned out that the missionaries (who seemed, at first glance, more like leftist hippies than missionaries) didn’t like the name of our band (The Evangenitals). So, we improvised a new song about the forgiveness of Jesus Christ that the folks back home in Los Angeles will truly love.
We’ve written two new songs so far about the trip, the film, and Nirvan (the creator of this whole beast!) that I’m pretty excited about. One is seriously gypsy inspired, and the other reminds me a bit of old Poi Dog Pondering.
Tomorrow night in Albuquerque is our first “official” performance/presentation at the STOVE gallery from 7pm-11pm. I hear there are going to be breakdancers and I’m pretty excited about that. Everybody is getting along well, so that’s awesome. You never know how it’s going to turn out when you put 8 people in a bus for several days with not a lot of sleep, not a lot of space, and no showers so far. Thankfully, in Albuquerque we’ll be staying at Nirvan’s sister’s house and there will be hot showers, hot meals, and beds that are bumpy and on wheels.
Sunday, October 07, 2007
Day One: Road to Oprah Tour
The mission was to conquer our own town first. The plan: hit the set of Stephen Nemeth's new movie (a Phillip K Dick novel that Ptryxxx has actually been cast as a featured extra in!) then off to Hollywood Blvd, Beverly Hills, Santa Monica, and Venice Beach for the sunset.
We made it as far as Hollywood Blvd, where Darth Vader leaped into the Road to Oprah bio-bus just as an electrical fire broke out, causing lots of stink and smoke, melting the wires, and making the bus immovable from the curb in front of the legendary Chinese Theater. Not a bad place for a film crew to break down!
We made the best of it, called a giant tow-truck/flat bed, and had the truck towed of to Chuy's (our awesome electricians) and waited for news. The bright side of it was that we got some great footage of costumed characters, skateboard tricks on top of the bus, an awesome street band, and other goodness that you'll soon be able to see on YouTube.
Right now we're crossing the Hoover Dam after driving to Vegas late last night, getting kicked out of a parking lot this morning, and meeting new producers at a grocery store in Boulder City. At the Hoover Dam inspection checkpoint, Officer Rivera of Homeland Security became the newest producer of The 1 Second Film. Awesomeness!
We're now headed through the desert and on to the Grand Canyon!
More news soon. In the meantime, check out the new photosets on Flickr and videos on YouTube!
Juli & the Genitals
The mission was to conquer our own town first. The plan: hit the set of Stephen Nemeth's new movie (a Phillip K Dick novel that Ptryxxx has actually been cast as a featured extra in!) then off to Hollywood Blvd, Beverly Hills, Santa Monica, and Venice Beach for the sunset.
We made it as far as Hollywood Blvd, where Darth Vader leaped into the Road to Oprah bio-bus just as an electrical fire broke out, causing lots of stink and smoke, melting the wires, and making the bus immovable from the curb in front of the legendary Chinese Theater. Not a bad place for a film crew to break down!
We made the best of it, called a giant tow-truck/flat bed, and had the truck towed of to Chuy's (our awesome electricians) and waited for news. The bright side of it was that we got some great footage of costumed characters, skateboard tricks on top of the bus, an awesome street band, and other goodness that you'll soon be able to see on YouTube.
Right now we're crossing the Hoover Dam after driving to Vegas late last night, getting kicked out of a parking lot this morning, and meeting new producers at a grocery store in Boulder City. At the Hoover Dam inspection checkpoint, Officer Rivera of Homeland Security became the newest producer of The 1 Second Film. Awesomeness!
We're now headed through the desert and on to the Grand Canyon!
More news soon. In the meantime, check out the new photosets on Flickr and videos on YouTube!
Juli & the Genitals
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Our band's new home....
For the next month... the caboose is our stage, and the Road to Oprah is our destiny!
Sunday, September 30, 2007
1 Sec Film visits YouTube and Google along Road to Oprah Quest (w/ PICS)
Digg Update: Remember The 1 Second Film anyone can produce for $1? They raised enough to buy a school bus, converted it to a bio-diesel RV, and are now driving it 10,000 miles to ask Oprah for a buck. To start the trip off, they got invited to give presentations at both Google and YouTube. Here's how...
read more | digg story
read more | digg story
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
The new Evangenitals poster!
What do ya think?

Thanks to Misha Birmele for working his logo and design magic on this one... and thanks to Steve Diet Goedde for the awesome photo!
The new Evangenitals poster!
What do ya think?

Thanks to Misha Birmele for working his logo and design magic on this one... and thanks to Steve Diet Goedde for the awesome photo!
Thursday, September 13, 2007
I noticed on the Evangenitals web stats that a bunch of folks have been searching for the lyrics to the song Fuck 'em All (which is going to be on our upcoming album "Everlovin"... hittin' the streets officially on October 4th, though some advanced copies are already out and circulating) so I figured I'd write 'em down in here:
Fuck 'em All
- The Evangenitals
He works so hard
Almost paid off the car
Sleeps on somebody's couch
Saving up for the house
She lives with her toys
Had given up on the boys
Till he came along
Now she's singing a new song
He knows she's insane
And she knows he's the same
They ain't go a shot in hell
But they're taking the ride might as well....
Till the wheels fall off
Till the wheels fall off
Till the wheels fall off...
When you hear the call
When you hear the call...
Fuck 'em All.
As for Everlovin, the finished product is well worth the wait. Brett and Georgie have been finessing it to perfection. Evangenital bliss. We are so excited about sharing this album with the world at large, and equally excited about traveling the US and Canada with The 1 Second Film on the Road to Oprah tour.
We are fully aware of how completely insane the whole journey is. It's crazy. Truly crazy. And the fact that we're willing to go and do it even though it is so crazy is the stuff that LEGENDS are made of. This is how epic adventurous are born... saying yes, and the first step. Into the void! Unknowing, possibility, the road. It all awaits.
I'm guessing that some of those searches for Fuck 'em All may be from CalArts Theater students. Our little mini-gig up there was quite a success and I hear that Fuck 'em All has been declared the new school song by the student body. I love it. They were definitely one of the best, most enthusiastic, ultra-singalong crowds we've ever had. I loved it. I'm glad we're getting up there again soon. :-)
Fuck 'em All
- The Evangenitals
He works so hard
Almost paid off the car
Sleeps on somebody's couch
Saving up for the house
She lives with her toys
Had given up on the boys
Till he came along
Now she's singing a new song
He knows she's insane
And she knows he's the same
They ain't go a shot in hell
But they're taking the ride might as well....
Till the wheels fall off
Till the wheels fall off
Till the wheels fall off...
When you hear the call
When you hear the call...
Fuck 'em All.
As for Everlovin, the finished product is well worth the wait. Brett and Georgie have been finessing it to perfection. Evangenital bliss. We are so excited about sharing this album with the world at large, and equally excited about traveling the US and Canada with The 1 Second Film on the Road to Oprah tour.
We are fully aware of how completely insane the whole journey is. It's crazy. Truly crazy. And the fact that we're willing to go and do it even though it is so crazy is the stuff that LEGENDS are made of. This is how epic adventurous are born... saying yes, and the first step. Into the void! Unknowing, possibility, the road. It all awaits.
I'm guessing that some of those searches for Fuck 'em All may be from CalArts Theater students. Our little mini-gig up there was quite a success and I hear that Fuck 'em All has been declared the new school song by the student body. I love it. They were definitely one of the best, most enthusiastic, ultra-singalong crowds we've ever had. I loved it. I'm glad we're getting up there again soon. :-)
Saturday, September 01, 2007
Alright, I admit it...
I'm a little nervous about our Universal Citywalk gig tomorrow night. There's supposed to be a LOT of people there, we're playing a big 'ol rock stage, and I'm not sure which t-shirt I should wear.
That what I call a LUXURY problem, people. :-)
I hope to see some friendly faces there, other than the ones on stage with me, of course.
Gotta take deep breaths and let the goodness flow through me. It's time for the big time! This is just another step of many steps that came before toward the shining and glorious glory of the next step on the path to the great whatever-the-fuck that's coming.... and I'm loving every minute of it.
Rock on.
I'm a little nervous about our Universal Citywalk gig tomorrow night. There's supposed to be a LOT of people there, we're playing a big 'ol rock stage, and I'm not sure which t-shirt I should wear.
That what I call a LUXURY problem, people. :-)
I hope to see some friendly faces there, other than the ones on stage with me, of course.
Gotta take deep breaths and let the goodness flow through me. It's time for the big time! This is just another step of many steps that came before toward the shining and glorious glory of the next step on the path to the great whatever-the-fuck that's coming.... and I'm loving every minute of it.
Rock on.
indie 103.1,
universal citywalk
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
The Evangenitals are closing out Indie 103.1's Summer Block Party at Universal Citywalk on September 1st. Sign of the apocalypse, or did the world just get a little more awesome for Genitals worldwide?
You be the judge:
You be the judge:

Monday, August 27, 2007
I just saw the 11th Hour yesterday and it was incredible. The only disappointing thing, for me, is that neither The 11th Hour nor An Inconvenient Truth really got into the tremendous impact that factory farming has on the environment, deforestation, etc.
There are allusions made to it visually, but no one in these films ever TALKS about the connection between the massive meat consumption in the US, the degraded conditions of the animals, chemicals that go into the food and the land/air, and the tremendous waste, both in the land being used to grow grain for animals that feed the few, whereas the farming land could be used to feed the many, and in the "means of production" of the meat industry itself.
I wish that this connection would be made more apparent in these environment call-to-action films because, as expressed in John Robbin's Diet for a New America, if folks would just reduce their meat intake (thereby reducing meat production) by a mere 10% the impact on world hunger would be enormous... not to mention what the global effects would be if Veganism became as present and acceptable in the popular consciousness as Recycling.
All that aside... I highly recommend seeing the film. It was moving, intense, beautiful, disturbing, yet optimistic. Let me know what you think of it.
There are allusions made to it visually, but no one in these films ever TALKS about the connection between the massive meat consumption in the US, the degraded conditions of the animals, chemicals that go into the food and the land/air, and the tremendous waste, both in the land being used to grow grain for animals that feed the few, whereas the farming land could be used to feed the many, and in the "means of production" of the meat industry itself.
I wish that this connection would be made more apparent in these environment call-to-action films because, as expressed in John Robbin's Diet for a New America, if folks would just reduce their meat intake (thereby reducing meat production) by a mere 10% the impact on world hunger would be enormous... not to mention what the global effects would be if Veganism became as present and acceptable in the popular consciousness as Recycling.
All that aside... I highly recommend seeing the film. It was moving, intense, beautiful, disturbing, yet optimistic. Let me know what you think of it.
Monday, August 20, 2007
I just got home from the El Cid show and I've already uploaded the photos for your viewing pleasure!
It was a great, short, barn-burner set. I wore my long-sleeved cowboy shirt and paid the price by getting some sweaty pits from all my running about.
I figure it proves I was working hard. :-)
Thanks to those of you who came out to the show, played along, and for all the hooting and hollering.
If you missed it, this photo set (taken by Patrick Ian Moore) actually gives a pretty good idea of just what went on over there.
Hope to see you all next weekend at the Old Towne Pub. Until then, please enjoy, comment on, spread around all these Evangenitals pics that I've been obsessively uploading onto Flickr.
Juli & the Evangenitals
It was a great, short, barn-burner set. I wore my long-sleeved cowboy shirt and paid the price by getting some sweaty pits from all my running about.
I figure it proves I was working hard. :-)
Thanks to those of you who came out to the show, played along, and for all the hooting and hollering.
If you missed it, this photo set (taken by Patrick Ian Moore) actually gives a pretty good idea of just what went on over there.
Hope to see you all next weekend at the Old Towne Pub. Until then, please enjoy, comment on, spread around all these Evangenitals pics that I've been obsessively uploading onto Flickr.
Juli & the Evangenitals
Thursday, August 16, 2007
The Evangenitals take over Universal Citywalk with Rock Sermon
Former employees of a sex toy company have joined together in musical harmony to spread the gospel of love in the form of alt-country, indie-pop, psychedelic rock, acoustic ballad, folk tunes. Universal Citywalk has the cojones to let them close out their summer music series.
read more | digg story
read more | digg story
Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Proud Meat Eater?
Please watch this (all the way through, no cheating!) and then enjoy your carne asada tacos:
Meet Your Meat!
There's a scene at the end that is priceless.
Saturday, August 11, 2007
I finally posted the wild and wonderful photos from The 1 Second Film's "Road to Oprah" fundraiser that took place at Mr T's Bowl in Highland Park, Los Angeles, California, USA.
Vermouth, Cousin Junebug, Ollin, 8 Bit, and the Evangenitals all threw down the music and mayhem at this awesome event... and if you watch the slideshow in fast motion while listening to Gasoline, it almost feels like you're at an Evangenitals show!
Thanks to Patrick Ian Moore for taking all the pictures. :-)
Vermouth, Cousin Junebug, Ollin, 8 Bit, and the Evangenitals all threw down the music and mayhem at this awesome event... and if you watch the slideshow in fast motion while listening to Gasoline, it almost feels like you're at an Evangenitals show!
Thanks to Patrick Ian Moore for taking all the pictures. :-)
Thursday, August 09, 2007
1 Second Film Drives 10,000 miles to ask Oprah for $1
Absurdly awesome one-second film that allows anyone to be a producer for $1 and donates the profits to charity. They are gearing up to drive a school bus 10,000 miles across America to ask Oprah for $1. Kiefer Sutherland and Stephen Colbert already donated. What will Oprah do?
read more | digg story
read more | digg story
Monday, August 06, 2007
Lisa and Juli
This awesome picture was taken by Alexi at my birthday hooter-nanner on July 28th at Highland Perk!
Thanks Alexi!
You can click on the picture to see more and some other cool pix of Alexi's on Flickr.
Thanks Alexi!
You can click on the picture to see more and some other cool pix of Alexi's on Flickr.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
1. A call to adventure, which the hero has to accept or decline
2. A road of trials, regarding which the hero succeeds or fails
3. Achieving the goal or "boon," which often results in important self-knowledge
4. A return to the ordinary world, again as to which the hero can succeed or fail
5. Application of the boon, in which what the hero has gained can be used to improve the world
Let's do this!
The Evangenitals (aka The Love Punks)
2. A road of trials, regarding which the hero succeeds or fails
3. Achieving the goal or "boon," which often results in important self-knowledge
4. A return to the ordinary world, again as to which the hero can succeed or fail
5. Application of the boon, in which what the hero has gained can be used to improve the world
Let's do this!
The Evangenitals (aka The Love Punks)
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
As if I didn't already love Leonardo Di Caprio enough (have you heard the awesome Ukefink song in his honor?) he goes off and creates this:
I'm so friggin' excited.
If you really want to help save the world, go vegan. :-)
I'm so friggin' excited.
If you really want to help save the world, go vegan. :-)
11th hour,
global warming,
leonardo di caprio,
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
We need you to show your love to The Love Punks:
In other words, add our Love Punks profile as your friend on Myspace!
We need to transfer some of our Myspace pals over to our alter-ego profile in preparation for some Road to Oprah press. :-)
If you haven't heard the story yet, the Evangenitals (traveling as The Love Punks) are going on a 45 day tour with the documentary crew of The 1 Second Film all over the US and Canada in a bio-diesel bus (with composting toilet and solar power!), ending up in Chicago, IL where we will ask Oprah to give us $1.
Big fun, baby.
Add the Love Punks, please!
In other words, add our Love Punks profile as your friend on Myspace!
We need to transfer some of our Myspace pals over to our alter-ego profile in preparation for some Road to Oprah press. :-)
If you haven't heard the story yet, the Evangenitals (traveling as The Love Punks) are going on a 45 day tour with the documentary crew of The 1 Second Film all over the US and Canada in a bio-diesel bus (with composting toilet and solar power!), ending up in Chicago, IL where we will ask Oprah to give us $1.
Big fun, baby.
Add the Love Punks, please!
Saturday, July 07, 2007
So much is going on, I don't have much time to share about it.
I started working full-time with The 1 Second Film, plotting our upcoming Road To Oprah cross-country bio-diesel 10,000+ mile adventure.
The Evangenitals will probably be traveling as "The Love Punks" considering that we're going to be heading straight through the Bible Belt and visiting Oprah Winfrey. We don't want the name of the band to be any sort of distraction from the amazing cause and vision that The 1 Second Film represents.
In other news, I started taking classes at IO West and have become utterly obsessed with long-form improv. Tonight Ptryxxx and I are going to go see "The Lampshades" which stars my improv teacher Scot Robinson (who was also in Anchorman) and Meredith from The Office, aka Kate Flannery.
I have to go to the xBiz summer forum at the HardRock in Vegas next week for my "other" job, and then my sister is getting married in Florida on the 22nd. I saw her wedding website, and it is just plain surreal. This will be the first time in a LONG time that all the Crockett's are going to be in the same place at the same time. Hopefully the wedding cruise doesn't sink and take us all to Davey Jones' locker.
I have to admit thoughts like that when they occur to me, or else I am afraid that they will actually happen, and then I'll be dying thinking, "are you fucking kidding me? I totally called that!"
What else?
After a strange period of seeming song-writer's block, a bunch of new material is starting to flow out of me. I'm writing a new love song about Ptryxxx that has was may be the cutest subtly vegan choral hook that was ever written.
Newlywed Jeff Jones is going to return to the Evangenitals for a mellow yellow coffee house set at Highland Perk on July 28th! I've decided that we're going to make this gig an open-house, sing-a-long, play-a-long, Evan-hootenanny! After so much rocking so far this year (and much more rocking to come with another Molly Malones gig and the Evangenitals playing Universal Citywalk's Block Party on September 1st) we thought it would be nice to have a calm, sit down with coffee evening where we can share favorite songs, simple chords, and tell some stories about how these songs were written and why.
Lastly, I just bought some red and purple vegan/animal friendly Manic Panic hair dye and I'm thinking I may do something crazy with it this weekend. :-)
I started working full-time with The 1 Second Film, plotting our upcoming Road To Oprah cross-country bio-diesel 10,000+ mile adventure.
The Evangenitals will probably be traveling as "The Love Punks" considering that we're going to be heading straight through the Bible Belt and visiting Oprah Winfrey. We don't want the name of the band to be any sort of distraction from the amazing cause and vision that The 1 Second Film represents.
In other news, I started taking classes at IO West and have become utterly obsessed with long-form improv. Tonight Ptryxxx and I are going to go see "The Lampshades" which stars my improv teacher Scot Robinson (who was also in Anchorman) and Meredith from The Office, aka Kate Flannery.
I have to go to the xBiz summer forum at the HardRock in Vegas next week for my "other" job, and then my sister is getting married in Florida on the 22nd. I saw her wedding website, and it is just plain surreal. This will be the first time in a LONG time that all the Crockett's are going to be in the same place at the same time. Hopefully the wedding cruise doesn't sink and take us all to Davey Jones' locker.
I have to admit thoughts like that when they occur to me, or else I am afraid that they will actually happen, and then I'll be dying thinking, "are you fucking kidding me? I totally called that!"
What else?
After a strange period of seeming song-writer's block, a bunch of new material is starting to flow out of me. I'm writing a new love song about Ptryxxx that has was may be the cutest subtly vegan choral hook that was ever written.
Newlywed Jeff Jones is going to return to the Evangenitals for a mellow yellow coffee house set at Highland Perk on July 28th! I've decided that we're going to make this gig an open-house, sing-a-long, play-a-long, Evan-hootenanny! After so much rocking so far this year (and much more rocking to come with another Molly Malones gig and the Evangenitals playing Universal Citywalk's Block Party on September 1st) we thought it would be nice to have a calm, sit down with coffee evening where we can share favorite songs, simple chords, and tell some stories about how these songs were written and why.
Lastly, I just bought some red and purple vegan/animal friendly Manic Panic hair dye and I'm thinking I may do something crazy with it this weekend. :-)
Sunday in the Park with Juli
Taken in the gardens of the Lummis Home in Highland Park while waiting to be on the news promoting the Lummis Day Festival.
Photo by Patrick Ian Moore.
Photo by Patrick Ian Moore.
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
I grabbed this from the 1 Second Film's Flickr gallery of pictures from the Lummis Day Festival, where the Evangenitals rocked the park and the 1 Second Film worked on signing up new producers and fundraising for our Road Trip to Oprah this Fall. :-)
Ptryxxx and I look like big dorks, but I love this picture.
Ptryxxx and I look like big dorks, but I love this picture.
Saturday, June 02, 2007
In the last 48 hours I have interviewed to direct a new play (and gotten the job), stayed up late working with Nirvan Mullick from The 1 Second Film on creating the Road To Oprah Myspace profile and other planning for the Love Punks/1 Second Film road trip this fall, woke up early this morning to appear on TWO morning news show (Fox Channel 11 and KTLA), did an interview with KPFK about the Evangenitals and our performance at the Lummis Day Festival, and I went on a date to the Pirate of the Carribean 3 at El Capitan, where we had VIP seats and an awesome audience that was totally in the swashbuckling spirit.
Oh yeah, and there was a giant, and I mean GIANT, photo of the Evangenitals in the Pasadena Weekly today. So, the Evangenitals were in newspapers, on the radio, and on TV... all within in 24 hours. I dig it. Awesome, I say!
So, I'm feeling rather, as the saying goes, "Thank you Sir, may I have another" about things right now. Except for the cold. I'd like to give this stinky cold back, and keep all the good energy that seems to be surrounding all things Evangenital right now.
In short, it's been a good, long, wonderful day and I'm digging it.
Oh yeah, and there was a giant, and I mean GIANT, photo of the Evangenitals in the Pasadena Weekly today. So, the Evangenitals were in newspapers, on the radio, and on TV... all within in 24 hours. I dig it. Awesome, I say!
So, I'm feeling rather, as the saying goes, "Thank you Sir, may I have another" about things right now. Except for the cold. I'd like to give this stinky cold back, and keep all the good energy that seems to be surrounding all things Evangenital right now.
In short, it's been a good, long, wonderful day and I'm digging it.
1 second film,
lummis day,
road to oprah
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
I'm looking FORWARD to THINGS! To STUFF that's on the HORIZON! I'm in love with many of the things that are happening NOW and I'm super-excited about things that are COMING SOON. Heck, I'm still reeling with glee from things that JUST HAPPENED!
The Evangenitals show at Molly Malones last Saturday was awesome. It was like a whole new level of Evangenital action -- simultaneously a reminder of how awesome things used to be, are, and will be. It was a bizarre time/space intersection wherein I was reminded of all things great about being an Evangenital. How awesome it is that people actually show up, listen, cheer, and give us so much love and support.
Today I talked to a booker in Florida who absolutely did not respond to the mojo of the Evangenitals. It was kinda crazy... a first for me, that got me all hot faced and heart pounding whilst making me excited for the FUTURE! For MORE disbelieving promoters and bookers that don't see/hear/feel/believe in the power of the Evangenitals. Hooray! There was a time in the beginning where it was important that NO ONE say anything critical about the Genitals. We were so fragile and new. If someone had told me that we sucked and should give it up 2 months into the project, I may have believed them. But here we are, years later, and after so many big 'ol smiles, crazy gigs, opened hearts, and loving responses to what we do... I'm a believer. There's something going on with the Evangenitals. It's a movement, and we're all a part of it.
After that call, the booker from Molly Malones called and invited us back for another show, we got invited up to Seattle to play in September, Wanni booked a gig for us in Jacksonville that we'll be able to hit after our Tampa show, and Nirvan from the 1 Second Film sent me a map that outlined the route that he's thinking we'll take on the Road Trip to Oprah! So, the good energy won in the end. When it rains, it pours. :-)
I must say that I feel pretty good about the fact that throughout the conversation with the "nonbeliever" I managed to let my love light shine, full blast, and not get flustered by any of the seeming insults and gruffness that were being thrown my way. I'm working on getting better at talking with people and representing/promoting the band in person. It's funny, considering that I've been doing this big 'ol Marketing job for the past few years, promoting the hell out of a business, and I do a grand job at that. The real magic is going to happen when I can take all of those skills I've developed -- feeling confident and boldly promoting someone else's project/company -- and apply them to OUR project. The Holy Evangenitals.
The Evangenitals show at Molly Malones last Saturday was awesome. It was like a whole new level of Evangenital action -- simultaneously a reminder of how awesome things used to be, are, and will be. It was a bizarre time/space intersection wherein I was reminded of all things great about being an Evangenital. How awesome it is that people actually show up, listen, cheer, and give us so much love and support.
Today I talked to a booker in Florida who absolutely did not respond to the mojo of the Evangenitals. It was kinda crazy... a first for me, that got me all hot faced and heart pounding whilst making me excited for the FUTURE! For MORE disbelieving promoters and bookers that don't see/hear/feel/believe in the power of the Evangenitals. Hooray! There was a time in the beginning where it was important that NO ONE say anything critical about the Genitals. We were so fragile and new. If someone had told me that we sucked and should give it up 2 months into the project, I may have believed them. But here we are, years later, and after so many big 'ol smiles, crazy gigs, opened hearts, and loving responses to what we do... I'm a believer. There's something going on with the Evangenitals. It's a movement, and we're all a part of it.
After that call, the booker from Molly Malones called and invited us back for another show, we got invited up to Seattle to play in September, Wanni booked a gig for us in Jacksonville that we'll be able to hit after our Tampa show, and Nirvan from the 1 Second Film sent me a map that outlined the route that he's thinking we'll take on the Road Trip to Oprah! So, the good energy won in the end. When it rains, it pours. :-)
I must say that I feel pretty good about the fact that throughout the conversation with the "nonbeliever" I managed to let my love light shine, full blast, and not get flustered by any of the seeming insults and gruffness that were being thrown my way. I'm working on getting better at talking with people and representing/promoting the band in person. It's funny, considering that I've been doing this big 'ol Marketing job for the past few years, promoting the hell out of a business, and I do a grand job at that. The real magic is going to happen when I can take all of those skills I've developed -- feeling confident and boldly promoting someone else's project/company -- and apply them to OUR project. The Holy Evangenitals.
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Wish Me Luck! (In Person!) :-)
Tonight (Saturday May 19th) at 11pm the Evangenitals will play at
Molly Malones for the first time.
It will also be the first time that I, Juli Crockett, have performed
an Evangenitals/Evangina show without my harmonic co-Genital Lisa
Why, you ask? Well, Lisa Dee is up in San Francisco RIGHT NOW
registering to run in the Bay to Breakers marathon tomorrow morning!
We, the Evangenitals, however are not just a physical band, but a
spiritual one as well... so though an Evangenital may not be with us
in the flesh, they are always with us in spirit.
So, if possible, come on out tonight and help us channel the spirit
of Lisa Dee (and George Bernardo, too, as he's off playing another gig
tonight as well!) at Molly Malones.
Juli could use all the love that can fit in the joint. And so could
Brett, as he'll be singing some songs and chiming in on the Harmony
This unique lineup consisting of Jason Chesney on Bass, Bryan Landers
on Banjo, Dave "Salad" Salardino on Drums, Brett Lyda on Lead Guitar
and Vocals, and Juli Crockett with Red Hair, Rhythm Guitar, and
Schizophrenic Vocals is not to be missed.
Molly Malones
575 S Fairfax Ave
Los Angeles CA 90036
11pm sharp
The Ptryxxx Flier:
The Evangenitals
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Busy week, and I'm having fun.
There's a lot going on in Juli/Evangenitals land these days. The "day job" is just crazy as hell, so I won't go into that particular mouth of madness at the moment. The rest of it is full to bursting and only getting puffier every day.
This past weekend I went up to Vegas to meet up with my brother, Jaisen Crockett, the bomb-ass photographer, who was flown out there from New York to shoot a band -- KOR! Kinetic Origins of Rhythm (website, myspace page, and really awesome band photo taken by my brother forthcoming). I also got to see "Spamalot" which was lots of fun, play some video poker, go to the Ghost Town Calico, and take a bunch of silly photos with Ptryxxx, who was paying his first visit ever to sin city and did not leave disappointed.
We even went to an oxygen bar, which I has wanted to do FOREVER, and it was awesome. I wish I could get an oxygen tank for my house... as pure oxygen is the best cure for a headache and left me with zero desire to drink coffee and feeling like I was walking on the moon. Good stuff!
I raced home from Vegas on Sunday to make it back to LA in time for band practice. With Lisa Dee and Georgie out of town for this next gig, we're playing Molly Malones with an alternate lineup which always makes me a little nervous and a LOT excited for the new interpretations of old songs that always results when we shake things up. Brett's going to be singing more in this set, which is fantastic, Salad and Bryan Landers are coming on board once more, and the project of begging every person I know on my hands and knees to help us make the minimum draw and make this night a success seems to be going well. Good to know that honest desperation sometime does work. We'll see how it all pans out at the door.
TODAY I had to leave work early to meet up with the Genitals and go to Time Warner studios to do a little cable show promoting the upcoming Lummis Day Festival in Highland Park that we'll be playing at on June 3rd.
Much like our Q TV live television experience in the past, this one was equally disorganized, impromptu, and TOTALLY fun. We did end up getting to play two full songs on the show as well as talk about the origin of the band and the meaning of "Evangenitals". We also got some good video footage for our own documentary purposes and some cool pictures for the website thanks to Patrick Ian Moore, our resident flier artist, videographer, photographer, and budding webmaster.
Check out the pics here:
In other news, on Thursday Brett and I are meeting with Nirvan, director of the 1 Second Film, to discuss the Evangenitals being the theme band for their Road Trip to Oprah expedition. There is talk of a biodiesel schoolbus, a reality show, an animated mushroom voiced by Andy Dick... it's all a little crazy, and therefore I like it very much!
If any of you are not yet involved with the 1 Second Film, I highly recommend you get involved. It's awesome. It's art. It's good for the soul.
And you can look forward to my new song "Andy the Mushroom" which is causing me a whole lot of giggles and joy lately as I create new verses whilst driving in the car.... which Andy the Mushroom could never do, because he had no HANDS, man!
I love you all. Please come out to the Molly Malones show on Saturday May 19th and help us get famous. I wanna hump on your eardrums for a living, people. Only you can make that happen!
There's a lot going on in Juli/Evangenitals land these days. The "day job" is just crazy as hell, so I won't go into that particular mouth of madness at the moment. The rest of it is full to bursting and only getting puffier every day.
This past weekend I went up to Vegas to meet up with my brother, Jaisen Crockett, the bomb-ass photographer, who was flown out there from New York to shoot a band -- KOR! Kinetic Origins of Rhythm (website, myspace page, and really awesome band photo taken by my brother forthcoming). I also got to see "Spamalot" which was lots of fun, play some video poker, go to the Ghost Town Calico, and take a bunch of silly photos with Ptryxxx, who was paying his first visit ever to sin city and did not leave disappointed.
We even went to an oxygen bar, which I has wanted to do FOREVER, and it was awesome. I wish I could get an oxygen tank for my house... as pure oxygen is the best cure for a headache and left me with zero desire to drink coffee and feeling like I was walking on the moon. Good stuff!
I raced home from Vegas on Sunday to make it back to LA in time for band practice. With Lisa Dee and Georgie out of town for this next gig, we're playing Molly Malones with an alternate lineup which always makes me a little nervous and a LOT excited for the new interpretations of old songs that always results when we shake things up. Brett's going to be singing more in this set, which is fantastic, Salad and Bryan Landers are coming on board once more, and the project of begging every person I know on my hands and knees to help us make the minimum draw and make this night a success seems to be going well. Good to know that honest desperation sometime does work. We'll see how it all pans out at the door.
TODAY I had to leave work early to meet up with the Genitals and go to Time Warner studios to do a little cable show promoting the upcoming Lummis Day Festival in Highland Park that we'll be playing at on June 3rd.
Much like our Q TV live television experience in the past, this one was equally disorganized, impromptu, and TOTALLY fun. We did end up getting to play two full songs on the show as well as talk about the origin of the band and the meaning of "Evangenitals". We also got some good video footage for our own documentary purposes and some cool pictures for the website thanks to Patrick Ian Moore, our resident flier artist, videographer, photographer, and budding webmaster.
Check out the pics here:
In other news, on Thursday Brett and I are meeting with Nirvan, director of the 1 Second Film, to discuss the Evangenitals being the theme band for their Road Trip to Oprah expedition. There is talk of a biodiesel schoolbus, a reality show, an animated mushroom voiced by Andy Dick... it's all a little crazy, and therefore I like it very much!
If any of you are not yet involved with the 1 Second Film, I highly recommend you get involved. It's awesome. It's art. It's good for the soul.
And you can look forward to my new song "Andy the Mushroom" which is causing me a whole lot of giggles and joy lately as I create new verses whilst driving in the car.... which Andy the Mushroom could never do, because he had no HANDS, man!
I love you all. Please come out to the Molly Malones show on Saturday May 19th and help us get famous. I wanna hump on your eardrums for a living, people. Only you can make that happen!
Monday, May 07, 2007
Awesome day today. The weather was perfect Sunday weather.
I did wake up with an excruciating headache, but it was nothing that a little Dr Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar Tonic and hot herbal tea couldn't fix. I'm detoxing at the moment, and this was the second morning with no coffee. As I am a very big (meaning daily) fan of the triple latte with soy milk, I was anticipating the horrible caffine withdrawl headaches. Actually, I thought they'd come on day 1... but day 2's morning mind-bashing made up for it.
Once that had calmed down, it was time for the good day to commence.
I had gotten an email invite from Environment California (one of the many environment/animal rights/superfriends peace on earth for All groups I belong to) to go to a panel discussion called "Sustainable LA" that was part of the Silverlake Film Festival.
There were all kinds of inspirational local heroes on the panel, including a few celebrities like Ed Begley Jr, Bill Nye the Science Guy, andAlicia Silverstone (who I also saw at the Year of the Dog screening that PETA organized at the Paramount lot a few weeks ago).
I'm gonna need to take some time when it's not so late to write all about that was said there. The short version is that I need to start riding my bike to work, remembering to bring my own bags to the grocery store, and get a water filter. Alicia Silverstone was the only one on the panel that really talked about the relationship between Veganism and the Environment (as PETA likes to remind folks, you can't call yourself an Environmentalist and eat meat) which was surprising. It was great that she was there representing. Ed Begley Jr and Bill Nye the Science Guy carpooled there in Bill's electric car... which is awesome. Thinking of those two guys being friends made me happy.
Every day I'm getting a little bit crazier and more extreme about the environment, the animals, and the people of the earth living all happy, joyous, flourishing and free and I'm digging it.
After that, Patrick and I went and met up with Brett and Wanni at the Grand Ole Echo to check out Tony Gilkyson (former guitarist of X) who we will be opening for on August 26th. It's a real cute event that Kim and Pam (aka The Happy Bookers) put on there. First of all, it's free, which is super fresh. In addition to that, there a nice patio out back where they barbeque burgers (including Veggie Burgers!) and the "outside band" was a trippy duo from Texas called "Restaurant" who played jacked up home-made instruments, including a high-hat made of old licence plates for cymbols. Good stuff..
A great treat was the opening act, Jaimi Shuey. If you like good 'ol Country music, you gotta check her out. She's awesome. :-)
After that, it was back to Brettsky's for band practice. I listened while Brett and George tweaked around with the outro of "Sun Is Shining" which is being tweaked to ear-humping perfection for the new album. Then we had a mellow practice and played some sweet and slow tunes while Georgie thumped on Lisa's empty guitar case and played a maraca. And play it well he did!
I'm excited about Brett singing more, our upcoming appearances on TV and Radio, our trip to Florida in June, the Lummis Day show (pre-Florida) on June 3rd, the crazy Juice Fast Detox that I'm on, the fact that Patrick quit his job and will be able to draw more EvangeniTales comics and edit more band videos, and the glory and possibility of life in general. It's all good.
Next weekend my brother, the bomb-ass photographer Jaisen Crockett, is going to be in Vegas shooting some band... so I'm going up there to get some new tattoos and some new pictures taken. You can look forward to seeing 'em on Myspace. ;-)
There's more, but I figure I'll leave something for us to talk about if you see me on the street. It's late, I'm tired and running on nothing but fruit juice, herbal tea, apple cider vinegar, and a ton of old toxins that are getting excavated out of their hiding places. Begone, demons! Out of my cells!
I did wake up with an excruciating headache, but it was nothing that a little Dr Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar Tonic and hot herbal tea couldn't fix. I'm detoxing at the moment, and this was the second morning with no coffee. As I am a very big (meaning daily) fan of the triple latte with soy milk, I was anticipating the horrible caffine withdrawl headaches. Actually, I thought they'd come on day 1... but day 2's morning mind-bashing made up for it.
Once that had calmed down, it was time for the good day to commence.
I had gotten an email invite from Environment California (one of the many environment/animal rights/superfriends peace on earth for All groups I belong to) to go to a panel discussion called "Sustainable LA" that was part of the Silverlake Film Festival.
There were all kinds of inspirational local heroes on the panel, including a few celebrities like Ed Begley Jr, Bill Nye the Science Guy, andAlicia Silverstone (who I also saw at the Year of the Dog screening that PETA organized at the Paramount lot a few weeks ago).
I'm gonna need to take some time when it's not so late to write all about that was said there. The short version is that I need to start riding my bike to work, remembering to bring my own bags to the grocery store, and get a water filter. Alicia Silverstone was the only one on the panel that really talked about the relationship between Veganism and the Environment (as PETA likes to remind folks, you can't call yourself an Environmentalist and eat meat) which was surprising. It was great that she was there representing. Ed Begley Jr and Bill Nye the Science Guy carpooled there in Bill's electric car... which is awesome. Thinking of those two guys being friends made me happy.
Every day I'm getting a little bit crazier and more extreme about the environment, the animals, and the people of the earth living all happy, joyous, flourishing and free and I'm digging it.
After that, Patrick and I went and met up with Brett and Wanni at the Grand Ole Echo to check out Tony Gilkyson (former guitarist of X) who we will be opening for on August 26th. It's a real cute event that Kim and Pam (aka The Happy Bookers) put on there. First of all, it's free, which is super fresh. In addition to that, there a nice patio out back where they barbeque burgers (including Veggie Burgers!) and the "outside band" was a trippy duo from Texas called "Restaurant" who played jacked up home-made instruments, including a high-hat made of old licence plates for cymbols. Good stuff..
A great treat was the opening act, Jaimi Shuey. If you like good 'ol Country music, you gotta check her out. She's awesome. :-)
After that, it was back to Brettsky's for band practice. I listened while Brett and George tweaked around with the outro of "Sun Is Shining" which is being tweaked to ear-humping perfection for the new album. Then we had a mellow practice and played some sweet and slow tunes while Georgie thumped on Lisa's empty guitar case and played a maraca. And play it well he did!
I'm excited about Brett singing more, our upcoming appearances on TV and Radio, our trip to Florida in June, the Lummis Day show (pre-Florida) on June 3rd, the crazy Juice Fast Detox that I'm on, the fact that Patrick quit his job and will be able to draw more EvangeniTales comics and edit more band videos, and the glory and possibility of life in general. It's all good.
Next weekend my brother, the bomb-ass photographer Jaisen Crockett, is going to be in Vegas shooting some band... so I'm going up there to get some new tattoos and some new pictures taken. You can look forward to seeing 'em on Myspace. ;-)
There's more, but I figure I'll leave something for us to talk about if you see me on the street. It's late, I'm tired and running on nothing but fruit juice, herbal tea, apple cider vinegar, and a ton of old toxins that are getting excavated out of their hiding places. Begone, demons! Out of my cells!
Thursday, May 03, 2007
Brett and I were talking yesterday about "Band Business" and general goings-ons while he was driving around running errands for his job and I was working away at mine (at work, on the phone, talking about band bizzness. hehe) We decided that it may be time that the Evangenitals start seeking management.
So, I'll work on that. :-)
Managers beware!
Brett and I were talking yesterday about "Band Business" and general goings-ons while he was driving around running errands for his job and I was working away at mine (at work, on the phone, talking about band bizzness. hehe) We decided that it may be time that the Evangenitals start seeking management.
So, I'll work on that. :-)
Managers beware!
brett lyda,
juli crockett,
music biz
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
My Own Private Coachella (in Old Town Pasadena)
The Evangenitals are playing a show this weekend!!!
Here's the Flier by PtryXXX!!!
I know what you're thinking... we must be CRAZY to play a show the same weekend as Coachella.
Well, if you're anything like me, the idea of a bunch of sweaty people out in the desert listening to a zillion bands (awesome though some may be) in a row is kind of horrific... unless you're one of the bands and/or have some sort of backstage pass, unlimited cold waters, and some "personal space" in your contract.
If, however, the shin dig going down at Coachella this weekend is your earthly version of Paradise, then I hope you have tickets and have a ball. Heck, if you didn't have tickets and I had some, I'd send 'em your way! Seriously, I would.
Now, if you're looking for a much more reasonably-priced music fest INDOORS (with an outdoor patio option) then I would highly suggest coming to the Old Towne Pub in Old Towne Pasadena for the Evangenitals show this Saturday night, April 28th.
We have assembled the Unofficial Highland Park All Stars to take your mind off of all that Coachella madness, and to give it to you big and lovely, right in the eardrums.
The Balloon Bass-driven duo UNPOPABLE will kick off the evenings offerings at 9pm, followed by Cat Hair Ensemble (9:30), the Evangenitals (10:30), and the breakups (11:30).
(Don't let the lower-case letters fool you... the breakups will eat your hearts out with a musical spoon, and then sew it up with sonic rose petals and put it back in your chest with a skip in its beat box)
It's a damn fine evening, and it's just $5.
There are rumors of Evangenitals playing other Evangenitals’ instruments, Brett on the mic, Julio on the Bass, Lisa on a Tambourine, Georgie out of his Mind, NEW SONGS, and some dude from the LA Weekly being there who used to be in the Jim Carrol Band. NO KIDDING!!!
Remember, at the Old Towne Pub, the band you come to see gets to keep ALL the door money your bring, so be sure to give credit to the door man, and you can feel good about the fact that EVERY Evangenitals show at the Old Towne Pub is a bona fide fundraiser.
Just think, if you come to enough Old Towne Pub shows, we'll probably give you a credit on the new album!
So please come, and rock those Coachella/desert envy blues away. We've got you covered.
To Review:
Saturday April 28th
9pm - 12am (Evangenitals at 10:30ish)
Old Towne Pub
66 N Fair Oaks Ave
Pasadena, CA 91103
For those who can't be with us, we would like to offer the following treats and suggestions for some simple things you can do to support your Genitals:
Check out the Evangenitals Radio Interview!
Bring the Evangenitals to your town!
Be our Myspace Friend!
Review our Album on CD Baby!
We Love You, Always and Already.
Juli, Lisa, Brettsky, Georgie, Chesney, and all those who came before and keep coming back.
The Evangenitals
The Evangenitals are playing a show this weekend!!!
Here's the Flier by PtryXXX!!!
I know what you're thinking... we must be CRAZY to play a show the same weekend as Coachella.
Well, if you're anything like me, the idea of a bunch of sweaty people out in the desert listening to a zillion bands (awesome though some may be) in a row is kind of horrific... unless you're one of the bands and/or have some sort of backstage pass, unlimited cold waters, and some "personal space" in your contract.
If, however, the shin dig going down at Coachella this weekend is your earthly version of Paradise, then I hope you have tickets and have a ball. Heck, if you didn't have tickets and I had some, I'd send 'em your way! Seriously, I would.
Now, if you're looking for a much more reasonably-priced music fest INDOORS (with an outdoor patio option) then I would highly suggest coming to the Old Towne Pub in Old Towne Pasadena for the Evangenitals show this Saturday night, April 28th.
We have assembled the Unofficial Highland Park All Stars to take your mind off of all that Coachella madness, and to give it to you big and lovely, right in the eardrums.
The Balloon Bass-driven duo UNPOPABLE will kick off the evenings offerings at 9pm, followed by Cat Hair Ensemble (9:30), the Evangenitals (10:30), and the breakups (11:30).
(Don't let the lower-case letters fool you... the breakups will eat your hearts out with a musical spoon, and then sew it up with sonic rose petals and put it back in your chest with a skip in its beat box)
It's a damn fine evening, and it's just $5.
There are rumors of Evangenitals playing other Evangenitals’ instruments, Brett on the mic, Julio on the Bass, Lisa on a Tambourine, Georgie out of his Mind, NEW SONGS, and some dude from the LA Weekly being there who used to be in the Jim Carrol Band. NO KIDDING!!!
Remember, at the Old Towne Pub, the band you come to see gets to keep ALL the door money your bring, so be sure to give credit to the door man, and you can feel good about the fact that EVERY Evangenitals show at the Old Towne Pub is a bona fide fundraiser.
Just think, if you come to enough Old Towne Pub shows, we'll probably give you a credit on the new album!
So please come, and rock those Coachella/desert envy blues away. We've got you covered.
To Review:
Saturday April 28th
9pm - 12am (Evangenitals at 10:30ish)
Old Towne Pub
66 N Fair Oaks Ave
Pasadena, CA 91103
For those who can't be with us, we would like to offer the following treats and suggestions for some simple things you can do to support your Genitals:
Check out the Evangenitals Radio Interview!
Bring the Evangenitals to your town!
Be our Myspace Friend!
Review our Album on CD Baby!
We Love You, Always and Already.
Juli, Lisa, Brettsky, Georgie, Chesney, and all those who came before and keep coming back.
The Evangenitals
cat hair ensemble,
the breakups,
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
If you are a friend of the Evangenitals on Myspace and you don't actually know me or the Evangenitals in what we skin-bound humans call "real life", you may be wondering why in the hell I periodically send you invites to Evangenitals' shows & events... especially since you never respond, live in a foreign or faraway land, and perhaps have no idea how we became friends in the first place.
(Please note: I always try to use the "search by location" feature of the invites first and foremost, which unfortunately never works... possibly because I have a Mac, possibly because the "search by location" feature on Myspace blows ass chunks, and possibly because no one I know enters their friggin' zip code or correct city.)
Once that option is exhausted, I have a very simple set of guidelines that I follow when deciding (without knowledge of where in the world anyone is) whom to send invites to. So, if you have received an invite from the Evangenitals, it is likely that you fall into one of these categories:
1. You look lonely. You look like you could use a friend, or perhaps just some sunlight. At a minimum, it appears to me that some time away from the computer would do you good.
2. You look awesome. There is something inherently RAD about your profile picture. You look like a giver; like someone who would contribute to a good time. Or, you may just have incredibly large jugs, which is a good feature to have at shows as well. Come on down.
3. You look like Patrick Swayze. If you are using Patrick Swayze as your profile picture, you are invited. Hell, if you're out there sporting anyone from the Outsiders, at any phase of their careers, YOU ARE GETTING INVITED!
4. You are a drunken mess. We are a band, people, and bands often play in bars. Bar bands need insane, sloppy, excessive drinkers to come to their shows and get good and stinking drunk and spend their rent money on booze to keep bar owners happy and booking good 'ol fashioned bar bands. So, if you have a profile picture that features you drunk out of your mind, passed out with and bunch of bottles, doing a beer bong, smoking a bong, vomiting, or holding a giant pint and/or a YARD of ale, you can bet your poisoned liver that YOU ARE INVITED!
5. Your name is Dave or David. I can't quite explain this one, but as a general rule I invite every goddamn "Dave" and "David" to every goddamn thing we do. It works for me.
6. YOU send ME a crapload of invites. You probably send me millions of bulletins as well, and you're always trying to post GIANT comments with your ENTIRE FUCKING TOUR plotted out on MY page, so I figure, a little e-vite from me shouldn't ruffle your feathers too much.
In the end, let it be known that I painstakingly pick and choose every single profile that I select and add, ONE BY ONE, to our evite list and send out our little plea for SOME sort of RESPONSE to the fact that WE EXIST.
If you don't know, now you know.
(Please note: I always try to use the "search by location" feature of the invites first and foremost, which unfortunately never works... possibly because I have a Mac, possibly because the "search by location" feature on Myspace blows ass chunks, and possibly because no one I know enters their friggin' zip code or correct city.)
Once that option is exhausted, I have a very simple set of guidelines that I follow when deciding (without knowledge of where in the world anyone is) whom to send invites to. So, if you have received an invite from the Evangenitals, it is likely that you fall into one of these categories:
1. You look lonely. You look like you could use a friend, or perhaps just some sunlight. At a minimum, it appears to me that some time away from the computer would do you good.
2. You look awesome. There is something inherently RAD about your profile picture. You look like a giver; like someone who would contribute to a good time. Or, you may just have incredibly large jugs, which is a good feature to have at shows as well. Come on down.
3. You look like Patrick Swayze. If you are using Patrick Swayze as your profile picture, you are invited. Hell, if you're out there sporting anyone from the Outsiders, at any phase of their careers, YOU ARE GETTING INVITED!
4. You are a drunken mess. We are a band, people, and bands often play in bars. Bar bands need insane, sloppy, excessive drinkers to come to their shows and get good and stinking drunk and spend their rent money on booze to keep bar owners happy and booking good 'ol fashioned bar bands. So, if you have a profile picture that features you drunk out of your mind, passed out with and bunch of bottles, doing a beer bong, smoking a bong, vomiting, or holding a giant pint and/or a YARD of ale, you can bet your poisoned liver that YOU ARE INVITED!
5. Your name is Dave or David. I can't quite explain this one, but as a general rule I invite every goddamn "Dave" and "David" to every goddamn thing we do. It works for me.
6. YOU send ME a crapload of invites. You probably send me millions of bulletins as well, and you're always trying to post GIANT comments with your ENTIRE FUCKING TOUR plotted out on MY page, so I figure, a little e-vite from me shouldn't ruffle your feathers too much.
In the end, let it be known that I painstakingly pick and choose every single profile that I select and add, ONE BY ONE, to our evite list and send out our little plea for SOME sort of RESPONSE to the fact that WE EXIST.
If you don't know, now you know.
patrick swayze,
Monday, April 16, 2007
Friday, April 06, 2007
For Ptryxxx:

I fuckin' love Macs, but I hate these goddamn commercials.
Buncha FUD-suckers.
In other news, the Office was awesome last night, I have a cold, the Evangenitals may play Florida in June (7-11th), Brettsky and Georgie are bustin' ass trying to clean up/finish up the new album, we just got hooked up with a SnoCap music store on Myspace thanks to CD Baby, and we had to pass up an opportunity to play with Trainwreck because I'm going to be working at the International Lingerie Show in Las Vegas. Blasts!
Can't win 'em all, though we've been pretty lucky so far.
I fuckin' love Macs, but I hate these goddamn commercials.
Buncha FUD-suckers.
In other news, the Office was awesome last night, I have a cold, the Evangenitals may play Florida in June (7-11th), Brettsky and Georgie are bustin' ass trying to clean up/finish up the new album, we just got hooked up with a SnoCap music store on Myspace thanks to CD Baby, and we had to pass up an opportunity to play with Trainwreck because I'm going to be working at the International Lingerie Show in Las Vegas. Blasts!
Can't win 'em all, though we've been pretty lucky so far.
brett lyda,
CD Baby,
George Bernardo,
kyle gass,
mac commercials,
Monday, March 26, 2007
6 Degrees of Jack Black-a-Nation
So I finally Netflixed The Pick of Destiny a few weeks ago. Yes, I know, it's shameful that I hadn't seen it sooner, as I've been a huge Tenacious D fan ever since KevSlider turned me on to them during a crazed road trip back in '04.
Yes, I know, I was a Johnny-Come-Lately on the D-Train. Better late than never, eh?
Recent events have made me acutely aware that it is only a matter of time before I find my hand firmly placed in the palm of Jack Black looking him square in the eyes and saying, "It's mighty good to finally meet you, Sir." And I think that time is going to be soon.
The varied ways in which the cosmic paths of one J.B. (aka Jack Black) and one J.C. (aka Juli Crockett) have almost crossed are numerous:
For one thing, I have directed 3 plays at the 24th Street Theater, where Jack Black is on the Advisory Board.
What set me off tonight is that not only has my band, The Evangenitals, opened for KG's *other* band Trainwreck, but in addition to this I have just heard that in June The Evangenitals will be playing with Josh Haden at Mr T's Bowl.
For those of you not totally up on your Tenacious D trivia, Josh Haden (son of Charlie Haden) is the brother of Tanya Haden (of the Haden Triplets) who is the wife of Jack Black. HOW'S THAT FOR CONNECTIVITY???
Now, to top it all off, Evangenitals guitarist Brett Lyda's girlfriend Wanni is good friends with Kyle Gass and regularly plays poker with KG and JB. Backstage at a Tenacious D show, Brett and Wanni were kind enough to have this jolly fansign snapped for me:

And, as if we needed one more stitch in this blanket, Brettsky went to college with Tanya Haden, wife of Jack Black, mother of his progeny. No kidding.
So... will Tanya and Jack come to hear her brother play at the T's Bowl in June? Who knows! They MUST be close -- she is in Josh's TOP 4 on Myspace! The Evangenitals are expected to open for Trainwreck again in April. Will JB make a surprise appearance as he is sometimes known to do in the guise of Tuffy McFukelby.

All in all, it all sounds an awful lot like the trumpets of Destiny are heralding the day that JB and JC shall pump their fists in a mighty handshake the likes of which this world hath never witnessed. Until that day, I abide.
So I finally Netflixed The Pick of Destiny a few weeks ago. Yes, I know, it's shameful that I hadn't seen it sooner, as I've been a huge Tenacious D fan ever since KevSlider turned me on to them during a crazed road trip back in '04.
Yes, I know, I was a Johnny-Come-Lately on the D-Train. Better late than never, eh?
Recent events have made me acutely aware that it is only a matter of time before I find my hand firmly placed in the palm of Jack Black looking him square in the eyes and saying, "It's mighty good to finally meet you, Sir." And I think that time is going to be soon.
The varied ways in which the cosmic paths of one J.B. (aka Jack Black) and one J.C. (aka Juli Crockett) have almost crossed are numerous:
For one thing, I have directed 3 plays at the 24th Street Theater, where Jack Black is on the Advisory Board.
What set me off tonight is that not only has my band, The Evangenitals, opened for KG's *other* band Trainwreck, but in addition to this I have just heard that in June The Evangenitals will be playing with Josh Haden at Mr T's Bowl.
For those of you not totally up on your Tenacious D trivia, Josh Haden (son of Charlie Haden) is the brother of Tanya Haden (of the Haden Triplets) who is the wife of Jack Black. HOW'S THAT FOR CONNECTIVITY???
Now, to top it all off, Evangenitals guitarist Brett Lyda's girlfriend Wanni is good friends with Kyle Gass and regularly plays poker with KG and JB. Backstage at a Tenacious D show, Brett and Wanni were kind enough to have this jolly fansign snapped for me:

And, as if we needed one more stitch in this blanket, Brettsky went to college with Tanya Haden, wife of Jack Black, mother of his progeny. No kidding.
So... will Tanya and Jack come to hear her brother play at the T's Bowl in June? Who knows! They MUST be close -- she is in Josh's TOP 4 on Myspace! The Evangenitals are expected to open for Trainwreck again in April. Will JB make a surprise appearance as he is sometimes known to do in the guise of Tuffy McFukelby.

All in all, it all sounds an awful lot like the trumpets of Destiny are heralding the day that JB and JC shall pump their fists in a mighty handshake the likes of which this world hath never witnessed. Until that day, I abide.
brett lyda,
jack black,
kyle gass,
pick of destiny,
tenacious d,
wanni yu
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Check our the newest flier from The Rev. PtryXXX for the Bordello show this Wednesday night:

I must say, it is a very lucky band that gets to have their own resident flier designer, comic artist, and videographer to herald the exploits and adventures that they encounter on the wild road to super rock land... and that is exactly what the Evangenitals have in the form of one Patrick Ian Moore, hailing from Tulsa, Okahoma.
Also known as The Reverand PtryXXX of the SouperKlawBrazzz and Improv Monstas, Patrick and I go way back to the year 2000, when his best friend David Taylor was the Technical Director for my thesis project at CalArts [or, the whale] and his brother Andrew and I used to run around late at night taking too many diet pills and drinking gallons of Gatorade while broaming Compton listening to Power 106.
Now Dave is the Technical Director of Lincoln Center, Andrew is.. umm... "retired" in Missouri, and Ptryxxx lives in Los Angeles, California, USA and works in the same sex toy company as I do. How times do change!
Some things, however, don't change... such as, Ptryxxx and I were health-minded, hippie ass, vegan, yoga stretching, animal-loving mofos back then, and we've both gotten back to all that now. So there. Some things remain the same.
What's it all mean? Hell if I know. Just come on out to the show!

I must say, it is a very lucky band that gets to have their own resident flier designer, comic artist, and videographer to herald the exploits and adventures that they encounter on the wild road to super rock land... and that is exactly what the Evangenitals have in the form of one Patrick Ian Moore, hailing from Tulsa, Okahoma.
Also known as The Reverand PtryXXX of the SouperKlawBrazzz and Improv Monstas, Patrick and I go way back to the year 2000, when his best friend David Taylor was the Technical Director for my thesis project at CalArts [or, the whale] and his brother Andrew and I used to run around late at night taking too many diet pills and drinking gallons of Gatorade while broaming Compton listening to Power 106.
Now Dave is the Technical Director of Lincoln Center, Andrew is.. umm... "retired" in Missouri, and Ptryxxx lives in Los Angeles, California, USA and works in the same sex toy company as I do. How times do change!
Some things, however, don't change... such as, Ptryxxx and I were health-minded, hippie ass, vegan, yoga stretching, animal-loving mofos back then, and we've both gotten back to all that now. So there. Some things remain the same.
What's it all mean? Hell if I know. Just come on out to the show!
Friday, March 02, 2007
Holy Moly! Tony Gower is BACK!
Just look at this friggin' swank-ass club we are playing at on Wednesday March 14th!!
This is The Bordello, and it is owned by Tony Gower, former owner of the Derby in Los Feliz. In other words, this is the *new* supreme swank locale in Los Angeles, and were going to christen the stage with Evangenital sweat on Wednesday March 14th at 10pm!

(click for more pics)
The Bordello is lush, sexy, beautiful... a must-see joint. It's also about to become our new home base in LA... so let's have ourselves a housewarming/welcome home Tony party!
The Evangenitals will be playing with the Sundowners and Vermouth, who both sound like swank ass bands, so check 'em out and come on down.
That's a lot of funk for $5.
Click here to RSVP for the show on Myspace!
Come and look pretty for the video cameras. This one is sure to be YouTube GOLD!
*BREAKING NEWS* Evangenital lead singer Miss Julio Crockett was spotted exiting Aardvarks in Hollywood last weekend with a floor length red gown. Witnesses at the scene reported that allegedly she was overheard saying to her "tall male companion" that the dress was for "some show" she is playing in March at "some swank ass joint". More reports coming soon.
Just look at this friggin' swank-ass club we are playing at on Wednesday March 14th!!
This is The Bordello, and it is owned by Tony Gower, former owner of the Derby in Los Feliz. In other words, this is the *new* supreme swank locale in Los Angeles, and were going to christen the stage with Evangenital sweat on Wednesday March 14th at 10pm!

(click for more pics)
The Bordello is lush, sexy, beautiful... a must-see joint. It's also about to become our new home base in LA... so let's have ourselves a housewarming/welcome home Tony party!
The Evangenitals will be playing with the Sundowners and Vermouth, who both sound like swank ass bands, so check 'em out and come on down.
That's a lot of funk for $5.
Click here to RSVP for the show on Myspace!
Come and look pretty for the video cameras. This one is sure to be YouTube GOLD!
*BREAKING NEWS* Evangenital lead singer Miss Julio Crockett was spotted exiting Aardvarks in Hollywood last weekend with a floor length red gown. Witnesses at the scene reported that allegedly she was overheard saying to her "tall male companion" that the dress was for "some show" she is playing in March at "some swank ass joint". More reports coming soon.
brett lyda,
juli crockett,
los angeles,
the derby,
tony gower
Monday, February 19, 2007
Saturday, February 03, 2007
Alright... so I'm a geek. But dammit, I get friggin' giddy as hell when a famous author whose work I respect the hell out of drops my name, and the Evangenitals name, as a band that he loves to get crazy to.
Check it out:
"For pure craziness, there are lots of other bands, including one that I can't write to but I've become a big fan; they're called the Evangenitals. They're from Los Angeles. One of the front singers is a former boxer-slash-philosopher. She's a fantastic singer. Her name is Juli Crockett."
Thank you, Colum McCann!
So, the back story to our association is that Colum was actually one of my professors my first year at The European Graduate School in Switzerland where I go every summer to work on my PhD in Philosophy. We had many deep conversations and stayed up late singing Evangenitals' songs and Irish classics with the hoodlums at the best damn theory camp in the Alps.
I even wrote a song about him, that a bunch of us geeks got together and hootenannied often. I'm trying to find a video of it that someone once sent me so I can post it. I know there's an audio recordin (bad quality) and I may throw it up online somewhere for the hell of it.
In the meantime, we may just have to revive the song and play it at the next Evangenitals show. It's a damn fine sing along, in the Irish tradition. February 11th - All Star Lanes - Bowling, Drinking, Evangenitals, Sing Alongs, Karoke. Be there.
You can read the full interview with Colum McCann here:
And buy his books while you're at it. They're friggin' amazing.
Check it out:
"For pure craziness, there are lots of other bands, including one that I can't write to but I've become a big fan; they're called the Evangenitals. They're from Los Angeles. One of the front singers is a former boxer-slash-philosopher. She's a fantastic singer. Her name is Juli Crockett."
Thank you, Colum McCann!
So, the back story to our association is that Colum was actually one of my professors my first year at The European Graduate School in Switzerland where I go every summer to work on my PhD in Philosophy. We had many deep conversations and stayed up late singing Evangenitals' songs and Irish classics with the hoodlums at the best damn theory camp in the Alps.
I even wrote a song about him, that a bunch of us geeks got together and hootenannied often. I'm trying to find a video of it that someone once sent me so I can post it. I know there's an audio recordin (bad quality) and I may throw it up online somewhere for the hell of it.
In the meantime, we may just have to revive the song and play it at the next Evangenitals show. It's a damn fine sing along, in the Irish tradition. February 11th - All Star Lanes - Bowling, Drinking, Evangenitals, Sing Alongs, Karoke. Be there.
You can read the full interview with Colum McCann here:
And buy his books while you're at it. They're friggin' amazing.
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Man oh man... after this crazy week of recording new albums and trips to Vegas and back for the Buccaneer show, I figured that I'd let Kevin (the Duke of Alhambra) tell you about the show, since he put it so awesomely in his MySpace group, To All The Music Fans:
"Okay! I finally went out to a show that is worth talking about.
The band is called the Evangenitals.. The play folk rock.. The two female singers are amazing... Great vocal skills that blend into each other. The band itself was just in tune with each other. Their songs were fun and enjoyable, even if you find "FUCKING A SAILOR" offensive... The show never stopped to make you think "Do I want to leave now".. You start thinking " WOW WHAT IS GOING TO COME NEXT"!
Gasoline... Was great!
Drunken sailor... Was even better...
I can go on with each song, but they played new songs on their upcoming CD that I don't know the names of.
This is what I will love for you all to do, go to my friends list and add them. For one week go and add a song from their profile and enjoy. Just see how they make you feel.
To end I will like to tell a short story of how great they are from last night...
There was this one drunk woman at the bar, with high heels that kept lighting up as she walked. During the show she was at the bar talking very loud to the bartender.. telling him how much she loved him. She would get up and walk through the crowd to go to the restroom, but bumped into everyone on the way... did I put she was drunk?
During one of the fast pace hard moving songs of the night (*it was our cover of the Velvet Underground's Heroin... in the midst of our infamous "Medley") this drunk woman got off her chair and was walking towards the restroom, which you have to pass by the band's stage. She walked up to one of the two singers and started to grab the mic from her.. The singer, sorry that I forgot your name, was FUCKEN AMAZING! (*that would have been me, and I am still reeling from my first totally 80's heavy metal fan on-stage make-out moment) With out missing a step she held on to the mic, kept singer the song (in its fast pace) and had the drunk woman in Aww... She didn't let the moment fall apart. She, the singer, was there to put on a show and not stop... in which she did. After the song the drunk woman started to hug the singer and kiss her.. (*tongue kiss, people!) After the song the band just smiled and stared a new song. (*the transition back into Bad Company's Feel Like Makin' Love) The drunk woman went to the restroom and back to her chair at the bar. (*her name was Willow, and it was her birthday. I'm pretty sure she will be appearing in an EvangeniTales comic very, very soon.)
If you see any bands this year this is the one that will not want to miss! GO! GO! GO! GO! GO! GO! GO and see EVANGENITALS."
Thank you, Kevin, for that glowing show review. That was an awesome tidbit to wake up to! For more show reviews and music discussion, here's the link again to Kevin's Myspace group: To All The Music Fans.
"Okay! I finally went out to a show that is worth talking about.
The band is called the Evangenitals.. The play folk rock.. The two female singers are amazing... Great vocal skills that blend into each other. The band itself was just in tune with each other. Their songs were fun and enjoyable, even if you find "FUCKING A SAILOR" offensive... The show never stopped to make you think "Do I want to leave now".. You start thinking " WOW WHAT IS GOING TO COME NEXT"!
Gasoline... Was great!
Drunken sailor... Was even better...
I can go on with each song, but they played new songs on their upcoming CD that I don't know the names of.
This is what I will love for you all to do, go to my friends list and add them. For one week go and add a song from their profile and enjoy. Just see how they make you feel.
To end I will like to tell a short story of how great they are from last night...
There was this one drunk woman at the bar, with high heels that kept lighting up as she walked. During the show she was at the bar talking very loud to the bartender.. telling him how much she loved him. She would get up and walk through the crowd to go to the restroom, but bumped into everyone on the way... did I put she was drunk?
During one of the fast pace hard moving songs of the night (*it was our cover of the Velvet Underground's Heroin... in the midst of our infamous "Medley") this drunk woman got off her chair and was walking towards the restroom, which you have to pass by the band's stage. She walked up to one of the two singers and started to grab the mic from her.. The singer, sorry that I forgot your name, was FUCKEN AMAZING! (*that would have been me, and I am still reeling from my first totally 80's heavy metal fan on-stage make-out moment) With out missing a step she held on to the mic, kept singer the song (in its fast pace) and had the drunk woman in Aww... She didn't let the moment fall apart. She, the singer, was there to put on a show and not stop... in which she did. After the song the drunk woman started to hug the singer and kiss her.. (*tongue kiss, people!) After the song the band just smiled and stared a new song. (*the transition back into Bad Company's Feel Like Makin' Love) The drunk woman went to the restroom and back to her chair at the bar. (*her name was Willow, and it was her birthday. I'm pretty sure she will be appearing in an EvangeniTales comic very, very soon.)
If you see any bands this year this is the one that will not want to miss! GO! GO! GO! GO! GO! GO! GO and see EVANGENITALS."
Thank you, Kevin, for that glowing show review. That was an awesome tidbit to wake up to! For more show reviews and music discussion, here's the link again to Kevin's Myspace group: To All The Music Fans.
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